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Back Pain

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Disease relevance of Back Pain


Psychiatry related information on Back Pain

  • RESULTS: At baseline, 4 months, and 12 months, blinded interviewers assessed back pain physical function (Roland Disability Questionnaire), health status (Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales), self-efficacy, and time spent in physical activity [6].
  • A comparison between the MMPI and the 'Mensana Clinic Back Pain Test' for validating the complaint of chronic back pain in women [7].
  • Chronic back pain (CBP) patients, chronic complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) patients, and normal volunteers (matched for age, sex, and education) were studied on the Iowa Gambling Task, a card game developed to study emotional decision-making [8].
  • However, during the short-term follow-up period of 1 year, between baseline and wave 2, depressive disorder at baseline was unrelated to first-ever reports of back pain [9].

High impact information on Back Pain

  • Back pain and vertebral crush fractures: an unemphasized mode of presentation for primary hyperparathyroidism [10].
  • Case of the month: March 1998--48 year old man with back pain and weakness [11].
  • Inflammatory back pain in ankylosing spondylitis: a reassessment of the clinical history for application as classification and diagnostic criteria [12].
  • GM-CSF produced local reactions in 88% of patients, and generalized symptoms such as fever, back pain or headache in 82% of patients [13].
  • Studies comparing the relative value of acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and cyclobenzaprine individually and in combination in the treatment of back pain are needed [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Back Pain

  • OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of alendronate therapy on days affected by back pain in postmenopausal women with existing vertebral fractures [15].
  • BACKGROUND: Back pain is a common problem for which cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride is frequently prescribed [14].
  • Epidural steroid injections is one of the non-operative managements of back pain [16].
  • Management of intractable back pain from caudal ependymoma with spinal methylprednisolone, bupivacaine and morphine [17].
  • A double-blind multidose trial of the addition of ketamine (0-40 mg, i.m., 8 times per day) to intramuscular morphine therapy was undertaken in a 61-year-old man with chronic back pain related to osteoporosis who had received inadequate pain relief from anterior interbody fusion, dorsal column stimulation and morphine alone [18].

Biological context of Back Pain


Anatomical context of Back Pain


Gene context of Back Pain

  • Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common (prevalence 0.2-0.9%) chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects young males and is characterised by inflammatory back pain with sacroiliitis and often arthritis of the peripheral joints [26].
  • Fibrinolytic defect in chronic back pain. A controlled study of plasminogen activator activity in 20 patients [27].
  • Soluble immune complexes in CSF were detected in 16% of patients with progressive MS, 38% of patients with exacerbating-remitting MS, 55% of patients with infectious or inflammatory diseases, 3% of patients with noninflammatory neurologic disorders, and in 0% of control patients with back pain [28].
  • This study used structured diagnostic interviews and DSM-III criteria to assess lifetime prevalence and pre-morbid risk of psychiatric disorder in a sample of men with long-standing chronic back pain (CLPB) attending a primary care clinic [29].
  • Back pain at wave 1 was not significantly associated with an increased risk for depression in the longitudinal analysis (OR = 0.8, 95% CI 0.5, 1.4) [9].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Back Pain


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