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Primary Prevention

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Disease relevance of Primary Prevention


Psychiatry related information on Primary Prevention


High impact information on Primary Prevention


Chemical compound and disease context of Primary Prevention


Biological context of Primary Prevention

  • A crude analysis of preventable deaths suggests that evidence-based primary prevention (getting the population to stop smoking, exercise, lower cholesterol levels, and control blood pressure) would prevent considerably more deaths per year than would various evidence-based treatments for cardiovascular disease [19].
  • Seasonal variation of plasma cholesterol levels was studied in 1446 hypercholesterolemic 35- to 59-year-old male participants in the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial placebo group [20].
  • This review evaluates evidence of the effect of diet on insulin resistance, insulin secretion, and glucose tolerance, and reflects on directions for future work toward primary prevention of type 2 diabetes [21].
  • All reports of primary prevention trials using cluster randomization that were published from 1990 to 1993 in the American Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine were identified [22].
  • In principle, data on the relation between genetic variation in folate metabolism and colorectal neoplasia could be used to corroborate the data on the relation between folate intake or status and the disease, strengthening the evidence base for primary prevention [23].

Anatomical context of Primary Prevention


Associations of Primary Prevention with chemical compounds


Gene context of Primary Prevention

  • Using the simple procedure and deriving the estimates of benefit from both primary prevention and therapeutic trials, we obtain an estimated reduction in risk of breast cancer from administration of tamoxifen in BRCA1 mutation positive women of 13% (RR=0.87, 95% CI 0.68--1.11) [32].
  • An introduction to aspirin, NSAIDs, and COX-2 inhibitors for the primary prevention of cardiovascular events and cancer and their potential preventive role in bladder carcinogenesis: part I [33].
  • Relevance: Evidence indicates that men and women who are susceptible to premenopausal onset of RA can each be identified long before their clinical onsets of disease, and that productive research in primary prevention is an achievable objective [34].
  • We investigated whether, in primary prevention patients with metabolic syndrome, statins affect the platelet protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) thrombin receptor by performing serial measurements of its activity and the antigen expression level by flow cytometry before and during treatment [35].
  • RESULTS: In the primary prevention trial, compared with placebo, pravastatin reduced median CRP levels by 16.9% (P<.001) at 24 weeks, reflecting a decrease of 0.02 mg/dL in the pravastatin group while no change in CRP levels was observed in the placebo group [13].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Primary Prevention


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