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Disease relevance of Chemoreceptors


Psychiatry related information on Chemoreceptors


High impact information on Chemoreceptors

  • This amplification requires a full complement of chemoreceptors; deletion of the aspartate (Tar) or dipeptide (Tap) receptors diminishes the amplification of the serine response [9].
  • Synthetic multivalent ligands that interact through the low-abundance, galactose-sensing receptor Trg stabilize large clusters of chemoreceptors and markedly enhance signal output from these enforced clusters [9].
  • A quaternary complex formed which consisted of the response regulator CheY, the histidine protein kinase CheA, a coupling protein CheW and a membrane-bound chemoreceptor Tar. Using various experimental conditions and mutant proteins, we have shown that the complex dissociates under conditions that favour phosphorylation of CheY [10].
  • This protein represents the first example of a periplasmic chemoreceptor that does not have a sugar substrate [11].
  • Tsr and Tar act directly as chemoreceptors for the amino acid attractants and signal changes in their degree of occupancy to the flagellar apparatus [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Chemoreceptors


Biological context of Chemoreceptors


Anatomical context of Chemoreceptors

  • O2-sensitive K+ currents in carotid body chemoreceptor cells from normoxic and chronically hypoxic rats and their roles in hypoxic chemotransduction [21].
  • NADPH-oxidase and a hydrogen peroxide-sensitive K+ channel may function as an oxygen sensor complex in airway chemoreceptors and small cell lung carcinoma cell lines [22].
  • Interestingly, whereas the C-terminal region of the TaxD1 polypeptide is similar to the signaling domain of enteric methyl-accepting chemoreceptor proteins, the N terminus has two domains resembling chromophore-binding domains of phytochrome, a photoreceptor in plants [23].
  • Carotid chemoreceptors were activated with nicotine or hypoxic, hypercapnic blood; carotid baroreceptors were stimulated by changes in carotid pressure [24].
  • In both the main and accessory olfactory systems, OCAM mRNA is expressed by sensory neurons in restricted chemoreceptor expression zones, and OCAM protein-expressing axons project to the glomeruli in the corresponding zones of the main and accessory bulbs [25].

Associations of Chemoreceptors with chemical compounds

  • Thus, ionic conductances, and particularly the O2-sensitive potassium current, play a key role in the transduction mechanism of arterial chemoreceptors [26].
  • Attractant signaling by an aspartate chemoreceptor dimer with a single cytoplasmic domain [3].
  • Depression of ventilation by dopamine in man. Evidence for an effect on the chemoreceptor reflex [27].
  • Like the surface chemoreceptors, folate- and cAMP-induced Ca2+ uptake responses were developmentally regulated; the former response was evident in vegetative but not aggregation-competent cells, whereas the latter response displayed the opposite pattern of expression [28].
  • Ventilatory response to CO2 was similar in patients and controls (mean +/- SEM, 1.58 +/- 0.16 vs 1.58 +/- 0.14 L/min/mm Hg), suggesting that abnormal chemoreceptor sensitivity does not explain the behavioral sensitivity of panic patients to CO2 [29].

Gene context of Chemoreceptors

  • Chemokine sequestration by viral chemoreceptors as a novel viral escape strategy: withdrawal of chemokines from the environment of cytomegalovirus-infected cells [30].
  • Based on the observation that NEB cells have a candidate oxygen sensor enzyme complex (NADPH oxidase) and an oxygen-sensitive K+ current, it has been suggested that NEB may function as airway chemoreceptors [22].
  • The modulation of hypoxic pattern of ventilation after i.v. injection of recombinant human Epo in WT mice and the dense EpoR immunosignal observed in carotid bodies showed that these chemoreceptors are sensitive to plasma levels of Epo [31].
  • It may therefore be concluded that loss of NK1 receptors has little effect on chemoreceptor function in the mouse, and thus they play, at best, a minor role in the hypoxic chemoreception process [32].
  • Chemoreceptor activity is normal in mice lacking the NK1 receptor [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chemoreceptors


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