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Disease relevance of Papilledema


Psychiatry related information on Papilledema


High impact information on Papilledema


Chemical compound and disease context of Papilledema

  • The authors studied the therapeutic effect of acetazolamide on a patient with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa complicated by retinal edema [12].
  • Chronic papilledema may cause progressive visual loss and, for this reason, BIH is not a benign condition; fundal changes and visual function should be carefully monitored [13].
  • RESULTS: In all three cases, papilledema resolved with the cessation of rhGH, and treatment with acetazolamide or prednisone [14].
  • For a subgroup of patients with infection due to C. neoformans variety gattii, multiple enhancing lesions were observed on cerebral computed tomograms, and papilledema, high CSF and serum cryptococcal antigen titers, and a worse prognosis (despite prolonged amphotericin B therapy and intraventricular shunt insertion) were also noted [15].
  • Patients with the highest baseline opening pressures (> or = 250 mm H2O) were distinguished by higher titers of cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide antigen in CSF; more frequently positive India ink smears of CSF; and more frequent headache, meningismus, papilledema, hearing loss, and pathological reflexes [16].

Biological context of Papilledema


Anatomical context of Papilledema


Gene context of Papilledema


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Papilledema


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