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Optic Disk

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Disease relevance of Optic Disk


High impact information on Optic Disk


Chemical compound and disease context of Optic Disk

  • On the other hand, the fundal vascular features in papilledema seem to be distinguishable by the method used from those associated with optic disk drusen [10].

Biological context of Optic Disk


Anatomical context of Optic Disk


Associations of Optic Disk with chemical compounds

  • Studies using fluorescein angiography have shown that two types of circulatory defects occur in the optic disk and retina of open-angle glaucomatous eyes [16].
  • This effect was dose-dependent and more pronounced in the macula (+17%, P < .001 vs baseline, after 200 mg; and +27%, P < .001 vs baseline, after 400 mg of pentoxifylline) and the peripheral region (+14%, P < .001; and +26%, P < .001) than in the optic disk (+11%, P < .002; and +13%, P < .001) [21].
  • PURPOSE: We examined changes in optic disk topography using confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy after reducing intraocular pressure with administration of latanoprost [22].
  • We evaluated the reliability of optic disk area and disk rim area measurements obtained with the Humphrey Retinal Analyzer from ten repeat fundus images each of one eye of ten normal subjects and ten subjects with increased intraocular pressure [23].
  • Optic disk cup filled with triamcinolone [24].

Gene context of Optic Disk


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Optic Disk


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