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Chemical Compound Review

phthals     phthalic acid

Synonyms: Alizarinate, Phthalinate, Naphthalinate, Sunftal 20, Pathalic acid, ...
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Disease relevance of phthalic acid


Psychiatry related information on phthalic acid


High impact information on phthalic acid


Chemical compound and disease context of phthalic acid


Biological context of phthalic acid


Anatomical context of phthalic acid


Associations of phthalic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of phthalic acid

  • Biochemical analysis in a second group of subjects confirmed that phthalic acid lesions produced a large decrease in basolateral amygdaloid ChAT, but had little effect on cortical ChAT activity [25].
  • In our recent experiments, we found that mouse pregnane X receptor (PXR) interacted with suppressor for gal1 (SUG1), a component of the proteasome, in a progesterone-dependent manner, but that endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), phthalic acid and nonylphenol, which activated PXR-mediated transcription, did not enhance this interaction [26].
  • This novel insecticide mode of action seems to be restricted to specific RyR subtypes because the phthalic acid diamides reported here had almost no effect on mammalian type 1 ryanodine receptors [27].
  • Mutagenicity of phthalic acid was evaluated by employing dominant lethal mutation and sperm head abnormality assays in male Swiss albino mice [19].
  • Di-n-butylphthalate (DBP) is a phthalic acid ester used as a plasticizer and solvent [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of phthalic acid

  • In contrast to the hepatocytes, which extensively metabolized MEHP to a variety of products in 1 hr, the testicular cell cultures were apparently unable to metabolize MEHP (beyond a slight hydrolysis to phthalic acid by Sertoli cells) in 18-24 hr [29].
  • Substituted benzylic alcohols were enantioresolved by the chiral phthalic acid method as follows; 1) esterification of racemic alcohols with chiral phthalic acid, 2) separation of a diastereomeric mixture of the esters formed by HPLC on silica gel, and 3) recovery of enantiopure alcohols from the separated esters [30].
  • The polymerization of HEMA in the presence of NPG was studied by adding various amounts of water and/or 4-(2-methacryloyloxyethoxycarbonyl) phthalic acid (4-MET) and evaluated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) [31].
  • Influence of plasticizer-free CAPD bags and tubings on serum, urine, and dialysate levels of phthalic acid esters in CAPD patients [32].
  • The absolute configurations of chiral phthalic acid esters of benzylic alcohols were unambiguously determined by the X-ray crystallography using the campharsultam moiety as the internal standard of absolute configuration [30].


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