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Disease relevance of Biomimetics


High impact information on Biomimetics

  • Despite a high mineral content of about 99% (by volume) of aragonite, the shell of Strombus gigas can thus be considered a 'ceramic plywood' and can guide the biomimetic design of tough, lightweight structures [4].
  • Catalytic galactose oxidase models: biomimetic Cu(II)-phenoxyl-radical reactivity [5].
  • Dinitrogen coordination chemistry: on the biomimetic borderlands [6].
  • Twinfilin replaces capping protein and promotes motility of N-WASP functionalized beads in a biomimetic motility assay, indicating that the capping activity supports twinfilin's function in motility [7].
  • Ruthenium polypyridine complexes. On the route to biomimetic assemblies as models for the photosynthetic reaction center [8].

Biological context of Biomimetics

  • Total synthesis of the quinone epoxide dimer (+)-torreyanic acid: application of a biomimetic oxidation/electrocyclization/Diels-Alder dimerization cascade [9].
  • Bone biogenesis is thought to occur by templated mineralization of hard apatite crystals by an elastic protein scaffold, a process we sought to emulate with synthetic biomimetic hydrogel polymers [10].
  • Thus, the combination of acyl phosphate esters and lanthanide salts appears to be a promising method for biomimetic acylation of hydroxyl groups [11].
  • A density functional study on a biomimetic non-heme iron catalyst: insights into alkane hydroxylation by a formally HO-FeV=O oxidant [12].
  • CONCLUSION: BMP-2 incorporated into biomimetic calcium phosphate coatings is capable not only of inducing bone formation at an ectopic site in vivo but also of doing so with a very high potency at a low pharmacological level, and of sustaining this activity for a considerable period of time [13].

Anatomical context of Biomimetics

  • Here, we analyse the effects of T-plastin/T-fimbrin, a representative member of an important actin-filament cross-linking protein by combining a quantitative biomimetic motility assay with biochemical and cell-based approaches [14].
  • Use of a biomimetic chromatographic stationary phase for study of the interactions occurring between inorganic anions and phosphatidylcholine membranes [15].
  • A biomimetic model is described for the detection of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release from red blood cells (RBCs) as they traverse fused-silica tubing ranging in i.d. from 25 to 75 microm [16].
  • Quantitative assessment of hydroxyapatite formation on a gold surface via the biomimetic method, composed of a nucleation step in a simulated body fluid (SBF) containing glass powders and a subsequent apatite growth step in glass powder-free SBF, was made using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique [17].
  • Human endothelial cell interaction with biomimetic surfactant polymers containing Peptide ligands from the heparin binding domain of fibronectin [18].

Associations of Biomimetics with chemical compounds

  • A facile scheme by which FeMoco and alternative, non-molybdenum-containing nitrogenase cofactors are constructed from this common precursor is presented that has important implications for the biosynthesis and biomimetic chemical synthesis of FeMoco [19].
  • Recent structural and spectroscopic studies on a series of biomimetic model compounds have provided new and valuable insights into the key reactive intermediates involved in the dioxygen processing at the mononuclear copper reaction centers in biological systems [20].
  • Biomimetic model high-valent porphyrins showed reduction rates with variously 4-substituted N,N-dialkylanilines that were consistent with a positively charged intermediate; such relationships were not seen for anisole O-demethylation with P450 2B1 [21].
  • As a first step toward the design and fabrication of biomimetic bonelike composite materials, we have developed a template-driven nucleation and mineral growth process for the high-affinity integration of hydroxyapatite with a poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA) hydrogel scaffold [22].
  • Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) was performed through the adsorbed biomimetic initiator to polymerize methyl methacrylate macromonomers with oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) side chains [23].

Gene context of Biomimetics

  • Biomimetic synthesis of the tumor-associated (2,3)-sialyl-T antigen and its incorporation into glycopeptide antigens from the mucins MUC1 and MUC4 [24].
  • The generation of three-dimensional biomimetic structures incorporating osteoinductive factors such as BMP-2 indicates their potential for de novo bone formation that exploits cell-matrix interactions and, significantly, realistic delivery protocols for growth factors in musculoskeletal tissue engineering [25].
  • The individual subunits did not interact with Cibacron Blue F3G-A, a biomimetic ligand of phosphofructokinase-1 [26].
  • Additionally, secretin interacts with a biomimetic phospholipid membrane as indicated from a significant increase in membrane surface pressure (from 25.5 +/- 1.3 to 32.5 +/- 3.0, P < 0.05) [27].
  • Owing to the large OBP-1F amounts expressed, we set up a novel biomimetic assay (volatile-odorant binding assay) to study the uptake of airborne odorants without radiolabelling and attempted to understand the odorant capture by OBP in the nasal mucus under natural conditions [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Biomimetics


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