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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

nuclear yellow     4-[6-[6-(4-methylpiperazin-1- yl)-1H...

Synonyms: Hoe-S769121, AC1L3XDY, AC1Q3ACV, CTK8D5336, AR-1F9778, ...
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Disease relevance of ZINC00643179

  • However, only Nuclear Yellow injections which included the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) resulted in double-labeled ganglion cells in the retinae [1].

High impact information on ZINC00643179


Biological context of ZINC00643179


Anatomical context of ZINC00643179


Associations of ZINC00643179 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of ZINC00643179

  • Small iontophoretic or pressure injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), wheat-germ-HRP, Nuclear Yellow, and Fast Blue were administered to the cytoarchitectonic areas Ri (PIVC), 3aV, the parieto-temporal association area T3, the granular insula (Ig), and the rostral part of area 7 (7ant) [16].
  • Four kinds of neurons could be identified: NY-neurons with CCK-immunoreactivity (NY+CCK); FB-neurons with CCK-immunoreactivity (FB+CCK); NY+FB neurons with CCK-immunoreactivity (NY+FB+CCK); and neurons only CCK-positive [17].
  • Only two of the fluorochromes - Nuclear Yellow (Hoechst 769121) and the phenoxyindole compound D261/37 - were found to be selective for nucleic acids, while the other three fluorochromes produced small to moderate amounts of fluorescence in preparations extracted sequentially with RNase and DNase [18].
  • We found that the labeling ratio of SP/NY was 1.4%, SP/FB was 7%, and SP/NY + FB was 28.8% [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ZINC00643179

  • Suspensions of pigmented RPE cells were labeled with Nuclear Yellow prior to transplantation, and at 1 week after grafting, the transplanted RPE cells were found attached to previously denuded areas of Bruch's membrane [20].
  • Microinjections of fluorescent tracers (Nuclear Yellow and Fast Blue) were used to study the organization of olivary cells in nucleus beta which give rise to climbing fibers to the medial zone of the uvula and the intermediate zone of the pyramis [21].
  • We first labeled motoneurons with a retrograde tracer, Nuclear Yellow (NY), and then quantified the c-fos mRNA expression level in the NY-labeled alpha motoneurons by means of in situ hybridization [22].


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