Chemical Compound Review:
adpribose [5-(6-aminopurin-9-yl)-3,4- dihydroxy...
AdoPPRib, ADP-Rib, ADP-ribose, ADP-D-ribose, HMDB01178, ...
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- Activation of Ca(2+)-dependent currents in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion neurones by a sperm factor and cyclic ADP-ribose. Currie, K.P., Swann, K., Galione, A., Scott, R.H. Mol. Biol. Cell (1992)
- Cytolysin-mediated translocation (CMT): a functional equivalent of type III secretion in gram-positive bacteria. Madden, J.C., Ruiz, N., Caparon, M. Cell (2001)
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- Mechanism of the Escherichia coli ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, a Nudix hydrolase. Gabelli, S.B., Bianchet, M.A., Ohnishi, Y., Ichikawa, Y., Bessman, M.J., Amzel, L.M. Biochemistry (2002)
- Cyclic ADP-ribose is a second messenger in the lipopolysaccharide-stimulated activation of murine N9 microglial cell line. Franco, L., Bodrato, N., Moreschi, I., Usai, C., Bruzzone, S., Scarf I, S., Zocchi, E., De Flora, A. J. Neurochem. (2006)
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- Cyclic ADP-ribose production by CD38 regulates intracellular calcium release, extracellular calcium influx and chemotaxis in neutrophils and is required for bacterial clearance in vivo. Partida-Sánchez, S., Cockayne, D.A., Monard, S., Jacobson, E.L., Oppenheimer, N., Garvy, B., Kusser, K., Goodrich, S., Howard, M., Harmsen, A., Randall, T.D., Lund, F.E. Nat. Med. (2001)
- Nitric oxide activation of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase in neurotoxicity. Zhang, J., Dawson, V.L., Dawson, T.M., Snyder, S.H. Science (1994)
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- The 193-kD vault protein, VPARP, is a novel poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. Kickhoefer, V.A., Siva, A.C., Kedersha, N.L., Inman, E.M., Ruland, C., Streuli, M., Rome, L.H. J. Cell Biol. (1999)
- Regulation of calcium signalling in T lymphocytes by the second messenger cyclic ADP-ribose. Guse, A.H., da Silva, C.P., Berg, I., Skapenko, A.L., Weber, K., Heyer, P., Hohenegger, M., Ashamu, G.A., Schulze-Koops, H., Potter, B.V., Mayr, G.W. Nature (1999)
- Cyclic ADP-ribose in insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells. Takasawa, S., Nata, K., Yonekura, H., Okamoto, H. Science (1993)
- Release of Ca2+ from individual plant vacuoles by both InsP3 and cyclic ADP-ribose. Allen, G.J., Muir, S.R., Sanders, D. Science (1995)
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- All-trans-retinoic acid stimulates synthesis of cyclic ADP-ribose in renal LLC-PK1 cells. Beers, K.W., Chini, E.N., Dousa, T.P. J. Clin. Invest. (1995)
- Two different but converging messenger pathways to intracellular Ca(2+) release: the roles of nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate, cyclic ADP-ribose and inositol trisphosphate. Cancela, J.M., Gerasimenko, O.V., Gerasimenko, J.V., Tepikin, A.V., Petersen, O.H. EMBO J. (2000)
- Regulation of glutamate dehydrogenase by reversible ADP-ribosylation in mitochondria. Herrero-Yraola, A., Bakhit, S.M., Franke, P., Weise, C., Schweiger, M., Jorcke, D., Ziegler, M. EMBO J. (2001)
- Structural basis for nicotinamide cleavage and ADP-ribose transfer by NAD(+)-dependent Sir2 histone/protein deacetylases. Zhao, K., Harshaw, R., Chai, X., Marmorstein, R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- ADP-ribose gating of the calcium-permeable LTRPC2 channel revealed by Nudix motif homology. Perraud, A.L., Fleig, A., Dunn, C.A., Bagley, L.A., Launay, P., Schmitz, C., Stokes, A.J., Zhu, Q., Bessman, M.J., Penner, R., Kinet, J.P., Scharenberg, A.M. Nature (2001)
- CD38/ADP-ribosyl cyclase: A new role in the regulation of osteoclastic bone resorption. Sun, L., Adebanjo, O.A., Moonga, B.S., Corisdeo, S., Anandatheerthavarada, H.K., Biswas, G., Arakawa, T., Hakeda, Y., Koval, A., Sodam, B., Bevis, P.J., Moser, A.J., Lai, F.A., Epstein, S., Troen, B.R., Kumegawa, M., Zaidi, M. J. Cell Biol. (1999)
- UV irradiation inhibits ABC transporters via generation of ADP-ribose by concerted action of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 and glycohydrolase. Dumitriu, I.E., Voll, R.E., Kolowos, W., Gaipl, U.S., Heyder, P., Kalden, J.R., Herrmann, M. Cell Death Differ. (2004)
- NUDT9, a member of the Nudix hydrolase family, is an evolutionarily conserved mitochondrial ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase. Perraud, A.L., Shen, B., Dunn, C.A., Rippe, K., Smith, M.K., Bessman, M.J., Stoddard, B.L., Scharenberg, A.M. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Cloning and characterization of a new member of the Nudix hydrolases from human and mouse. Yang, H., Slupska, M.M., Wei, Y.F., Tai, J.H., Luther, W.M., Xia, Y.R., Shih, D.M., Chiang, J.H., Baikalov, C., Fitz-Gibbon, S., Phan, I.T., Conrad, A., Miller, J.H. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Novel enzyme from rat liver that cleaves an ADP-ribosyl histone linkage. Okayama, H., Honda, M., Hayaishi, O. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1978)
- Molecular characterization of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked ADP-ribosyltransferase from lymphocytes. Okazaki, I.J., Kim, H.J., McElvaney, N.G., Lesma, E., Moss, J. Blood (1996)
- Contrasting patterns of DNA strand breakage and ADP-ribosylation-dependent DNA ligation during granulocyte and monocyte differentiation. Khan, Z., Francis, G.E. Blood (1987)
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- Widespread occurrence in animal tissues of an enzyme catalyzing the conversion of NAD+ into a cyclic metabolite with intracellular Ca2+-mobilizing activity. Rusinko, N., Lee, H.C. J. Biol. Chem. (1989)