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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Calutide     N-[4-cyano-3- (trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-3- (4...

Synonyms: Casodex, Cosudex, Kalumid, Raffolutil, bicalutamide, ...
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Disease relevance of NSC722665


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Chemical compound and disease context of NSC722665


Biological context of NSC722665


Anatomical context of NSC722665


Associations of NSC722665 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of NSC722665


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NSC722665

  • PATIENTS AND METHODS: Individual data from 2,161 advanced PCa patients treated in studies comparing bicalutamide to castration were used in a meta-analytic approach to surrogate end-point validation [33].
  • Prophylactic breast irradiation with a single dose of electron beam radiotherapy (10 Gy) significantly reduces the incidence of bicalutamide-induced gynecomastia [34].
  • In the groups treated with radiation therapy or radical prostatectomy, regardless of the addition of bicalutamide, the incidence of positive bone scans was low (0.2% to 1.4%) at prostate specific antigen levels less than 5 ng/ml [35].
  • These data suggest that different AR variants are developed and selected for during various types of hormonal treatments, and also, that CAB achieved by orchiectomy and bicalutamide does not act as a selective force for AR amplification [36].
  • Clinical trials are currently in progress to further evaluate bicalutamide as monotherapy in patients with advanced stages of disease and as adjuvant or first-line therapy in patients with early-stage disease [37].


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