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Chemical Compound Review

Raffolutil     (2S)-N-[4-cyano-3- (trifluoromethyl)phenyl]...

Synonyms: bicalutamida, bicalutamidum, R-BICALUTAMIDE, CHEMBL409, SureCN3612, ...
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Disease relevance of Casodex


Psychiatry related information on Casodex


High impact information on Casodex

  • The antiandrogen Casodex and specific inhibitors of Src and PI3-kinase prevent both hormonal effects, DNA synthesis and cytoskeletal changes [6].
  • We solved the x-ray crystal structure of the mutant W741L AR ligand-binding domain bound to R-bicalutamide at 1.8-A resolution [7].
  • The antiandrogen Casodex blocked the effect of androgen, implicating the androgen receptor in regulation of ABCA1 expression by androgens [8].
  • In contrast, transcription through the PSA P/E promoter, a prototypical AR-dependent promoter directly activated by agonist, was obliterated only by Casodex [9].
  • We show that expression of RasN17 in the hormone-refractory C4-2 cell line enhances in vitro sensitivity to the growth-inhibitory action of the antiandrogen Casodex and inhibits anchorage-independent cell growth [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Casodex


Biological context of Casodex


Anatomical context of Casodex


Associations of Casodex with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Casodex

  • Like Cdc6, the levels of both cyclins A and B were attenuated in Casodex-treated cells [17].
  • The anti-androgen Casodex enhances the growth-inhibitory action of PTEN and this effect is independent of Akt phosphorylation [25].
  • RT-PCR based analysis demonstrates that in LNCaP cells Casodex coordinately alters the expression of steady-state level of mRNAs of several matrix metalloproteases and their cognate inhibitors (most notably MMP2 and TIMP1) [26].
  • We detect binding of SMRT to hAR when treating with the antiandrogen CPA, but not with the antihormones casodex or hydroxyflutamide [27].
  • The anti-androgen Casodex reduced 5alpha-DHT-stimulated cell growth but had no effect on EGF-R mediated LNCaP growth or EGF-stimulated activated MAPK activity [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Casodex

  • Chemoprevention of rat prostate carcinogenesis by use of finasteride or casodex [29].
  • In a comparative trial, bicalutamide (Casodex) was more effective than flutamide (each in combination with an LHRH analogue) in terms of time to treatment failure and produced a significantly lower incidence of diarrhoea [30].
  • Bicalutamide (Casodex) 150 mg/day was administered for 12 months from the day of radiotherapy [31].
  • The peripheral selectivity of Casodex in the intact male rat was related to the distribution of radiolabelled antiandrogen following intravenous injection [18].
  • METHODS: A total of 1,453 patients with either confirmed metastatic disease (M1), or T3/T4 non-metastatic disease with elevated prostate-specific antigen (M0) were recruited into one of two identical, multicentre, randomised studies to compare 'Casodex' 150 mg/day with castration [32].


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