Chemical Compound Review:
Versene calcium 2-[2-(carboxylatomethyl...
Antallin, Chelaton, Edetamin, Sormetal, Tetazine, ...
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- Chronic renal failure with gout: a marker of chronic lead poisoning. Craswell, P.W., Price, J., Boyle, P.D., Heazlewood, V.J., Baddeley, H., Lloyd, H.M., Thomas, B.J., Thomas, B.W. Kidney Int. (1984)
- Zinc metabolism in the brain: relevance to human neurodegenerative disorders. Cuajungco, M.P., Lees, G.J. Neurobiol. Dis. (1997)
- Effects of calcium disodium versenate (CaNa2EDTA) chelation in moderate childhood lead poisoning. Markowitz, M.E., Bijur, P.E., Ruff, H., Rosen, J.F. Pediatrics (1993)
- Neurotoxicity of dental amalgam is mediated by zinc. Lobner, D., Asrari, M. J. Dent. Res. (2003)
- Protective effects of zinc chelation in traumatic brain injury correlate with upregulation of neuroprotective genes in rat brain. Hellmich, H.L., Frederickson, C.J., DeWitt, D.S., Saban, R., Parsley, M.O., Stephenson, R., Velasco, M., Uchida, T., Shimamura, M., Prough, D.S. Neurosci. Lett. (2004)
- Characterization of hepatic low density lipoprotein binding and cholesterol metabolism in normal and homozygous familial hypercholesterolemic subjects. Hoeg, J.M., Demosky, S.J., Schaefer, E.J., Starzl, T.E., Brewer, H.B. J. Clin. Invest. (1984)
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- Lead mobilization test in children with lead poisoning: validation of a 5-hour edetate calcium disodium provocation test. Iniguez, J.L., Leverger, G., Dollfus, C., Gouraud, F., Garnier, R., Beauvais, P. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine. (1995)
- Chelation in metal intoxication XVIII: Combined effects of thiamine and calcium disodium versenate on lead toxicity. Flora, S.J., Singh, S., Tandon, S.K. Life Sci. (1986)
- Experimental lead nephropathy: treatment with calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. Sánchez-Fructuoso, A.I., Blanco, J., Cano, M., Ortega, L., Arroyo, M., Fernández, C., Prats, D., Barrientos, A. Am. J. Kidney Dis. (2002)
- Lead-induced oxidative stress and hematological alterations and their response to combined administration of calcium disodium EDTA with a thiol chelator in rats. Saxena, G., Flora, S.J. J. Biochem. Mol. Toxicol. (2004)
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- The influence of radiographic contrast media on some granulocyte functions. Rasmussen, F. Acta radiologica. Supplementum. (1998)
- Bite the bullet: lead poisoning after ingestion of 206 lead bullets. McNutt, T.K., Chambers-Emerson, J., Dethlefsen, M., Shah, R. Veterinary and human toxicology. (2001)
- The relationship between total and ionized calcium in the blood sheep when calcium levels are altered. Belonje, P.C. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association. (1976)
- Acute potassium dichromate poisoning: a toxicokinetic case study. Kołaciński, Z., Kostrzewski, P., Kruszewska, S., Raźniewska, G., Mielczarska, J. J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. (1999)
- Enhanced in vitro growth suppression of human glioblastoma cultures treated with the combination of recombinant fibroblast and immune interferons. Vita, J.R., Edwalds, G.M., Gorey, T., Housepian, E.M., Fetell, M.R., Guarini, L., Langer, J.A., Fisher, P.B. Anticancer Res. (1988)
- Histochemical demonstration of zinc ions in ejaculated human semen. Stoltenberg, M., Sørensen, M.B., Danscher, G. Int. J. Androl. (1997)
- In vitro characteristics of human fetal cells obtained from chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis. Chang, H.C., Jones, O.W. Prenat. Diagn. (1988)
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- Beneficial effects of zinc supplementation during chelation treatment of lead intoxication in rats. Flora, S.J., Tandon, S.K. Toxicology (1990)
- Lead, zinc, and erythrocyte delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase: relationships in lead toxicity. Thomasino, J.A., Zuroweste, E., Brooks, S.M., Petering, H.G., Lerner, S.I., Finelli, V.N. Arch. Environ. Health (1977)
- Effect of edetate calcium disodium on yttrium-90 activity in bone of mice. Watanabe, N., Oriuchi, N., Tanada, S., Murata, H., Inoue, T., Kim, E.E., Sasaki, Y., Endo, K. Annals of nuclear medicine. (1999)
- Acute lead arsenate poisoning. Tallis, G.A. Australian and New Zealand journal of medicine. (1989)
- Short-term administration of dimercaptopropanol (BAL) and calcium disodium edetate (EDTA) for diagnostic and therapeutic lead mobilization. Haust, H.L., Ali, H., Haines, D.S., Forret, C.J. Int. J. Biochem. (1980)
- Moderate lead poisoning: trends in blood lead levels in unchelated children. Markowitz, M.E., Bijur, P.E., Ruff, H.A., Balbi, K., Rosen, J.F. Environ. Health Perspect. (1996)
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- Body burdens of lead in hypertensive nephropathy. Osterloh, J.D., Selby, J.V., Bernard, B.P., Becker, C.E., Menke, D.J., Tepper, E., Ordonez, J.D., Behrens, B. Arch. Environ. Health (1989)
- Injection of sheep with organic compounds of copper. Mahmoud, O.H., Ford, E.J. Vet. Rec. (1981)
- Lead poisoning from Indian herbal medicine (Ayurveda). Dunbabin, D.W., Tallis, G.A., Popplewell, P.Y., Lee, R.A. Med. J. Aust. (1992)