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Chorionic Villi

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Disease relevance of Chorionic Villi


High impact information on Chorionic Villi

  • Levels of annexin V, a phospholipid-binding protein with potent anticoagulant activity, are markedly reduced on placental villi from women with this syndrome [6].
  • DNA analysis can be performed in amniocytes or chorionic-villus cells to identify mutations of the dystrophic gene prenatally, but immunochemical testing for dystrophin cannot be performed because the protein is not expressed in these cells [7].
  • Prenatal diagnosis of cytochrome c oxidase deficiency by biopsy of chorionic villi [8].
  • Predictions can be made directly from chorionic villi, without previous DNA extraction, and fetal sex can be determined by amplification of sequences specific for the Y chromosome [9].
  • Distribution of beta2 microglobulin and HLA in chorionic villi of human placentae [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Chorionic Villi


Biological context of Chorionic Villi


Anatomical context of Chorionic Villi


Associations of Chorionic Villi with chemical compounds


Gene context of Chorionic Villi

  • As part of an effort to define the local effects of the placentally expressed members of the GH/Prl family of hormones on the placenta, we have identified an isoform (hGHRd3) of the growth hormone receptor expressed in the placental villi. hGHRd3 mRNA differs from the liver GHR mRNA by the deletion of a 66-base pair segment encoding exon 3 [31].
  • It was also expressed in the trophoblasts of the cytotrophoblastic shell and Langhan's layer of placental villi only in the first trimester, suggesting an autocrine role for IGF-II in early cytotrophoblastic proliferation and/or differentiation [32].
  • SDFs were transfected in vitro into cells obtained from five human fetal chorionic villi of embryos, homozygous for the SMN1 deletion, by either electroporation or microinjection [33].
  • Early placentae were also found to contain both DAF+ and DAF- chorionic villi [34].
  • Relationship between tissue damage and heme oxygenase expression in chorionic villi of term human placenta [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chorionic Villi


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