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Chemical Compound Review

Tramadol     (1R,2R)-2- (dimethylaminomethyl)-1-(3...

Synonyms: Tridural, Amanda, Tramadolum, Tramal, Ultram, ...
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Disease relevance of Tramadol


Psychiatry related information on Tramadol


High impact information on Tramadol


Chemical compound and disease context of Tramadol


Biological context of Tramadol


Anatomical context of Tramadol

  • Effect of modern analgesic drugs (tramadol, pentazocine, and buprenorphine) on the bile duct sphincter in man [17].
  • The biliary pressure in the control studies was similar to that following administration of all analgesics in the animals with gallbladder and following instillation of tramadol, metamizol, and acetylsalicylic acid in animals with no gallbladder [22].
  • In extensive metabolizers, tramadol increased pressure pain detection (p = 0.03) and tolerance (p = 0.06) thresholds, as well as thresholds for eliciting nociceptive reflexes, after single (p = 0.0002) and repeated (p = 0.06) stimulation of the sural nerve [23].
  • A total of 456 patients with moderate-to-severe pain within 5 h after extraction of two or more third molars were randomized to receive two identical encapsulated tablets containing tramadol/APAP 37.5 mg/325 mg, tramadol 50 mg, or placebo [24].
  • We investigated the effects of acute and chronic tramadol treatment on T lymphocyte function and natural killer (NK) cell activity in rats receiving chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve [25].

Associations of Tramadol with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Tramadol


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tramadol

  • However, in most animal tests and human clinical trials, the analgesic effect of tramadol is only partially blocked by the opioid antagonist naloxone, suggesting an important nonopioid mechanism [33].
  • These data indicated that the effects of such drugs on bile duct sphincter function can be safely assessed by ERCP manometry and that pentazocine adversely affects the bile duct sphincter, whilst tramadol and buprenorphine do not [17].
  • Patient-controlled analgesia with tramadol has been frequently employed and was well accepted by the patients [4].
  • New pharmacokinetic data show that steady-state plasma tramadol concentrations reached after oral administration of 50 mg doses every 6 hours are similar to those obtained after administration of a 100 mg single oral dose (250 micrograms/L) [34].
  • Use of cyclodextrins in capillary electrophoresis: resolution of tramadol enantiomers [35].


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