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Gene Review

Ptgs1  -  prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: COX-1, COX1, Cox-1, Cox-3, Cox1, ...
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Disease relevance of Ptgs1

  • In contrast, Ptgs1-deficient mice had pancreatitis and pulmonary inflammation, which was as severe or, in some instances, more severe than in the wild-type mice [1].
  • We conclude that radiation injury results in increased Cox-1 levels in crypt stem cells and their progeny, and that PGE2 produced through Cox-1 promotes crypt stem cell survival and proliferation [2].
  • The role of COX in acute pancreatitis and pancreatitis-associated lung injury is not known [1].
  • Collectively, these findings demonstrate the coordinated regulation of fetal and maternal PGs at the time of birth but raise concern regarding the use of selective COX inhibitors for the management of preterm labor [3].
  • To establish a CRC liver metastasis model, we implanted mouse colon tumor MC-26 cells into the splenic subcapsule of BALB/c mice, after which mice were given either standard chow or chow containing the cyclooxygenase (COX)-2-specific inhibitor rofecoxib, alone or in combination with the standard antineoplastic agents, 5-fluoruracil or irinotecan [4].

Psychiatry related information on Ptgs1


High impact information on Ptgs1

  • Homozygous Ptgs1 mutant mice survive well, have no gastric pathology, and show less indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration than wild-type mice, even though their gastric prostaglandin E2 levels are about 1% of wild type [8].
  • PGHS1 and PGHS2 coexist in the vasculature and in macrophages, and are upregulated together in inflammatory tissues such as rheumatoid synovia and atherosclerotic plaque [9].
  • They were developed with the rationale of conserving the anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions of traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (tNSAIDs) while sparing the ability of PGHS1-derived prostaglandins to afford gastric cytoprotection [9].
  • Here we show that PAF induces pulmonary edema through two mechanisms: acid sphingomyelinase (ASM)-dependent production of ceramide, and activation of the cyclooxygenase pathway [10].
  • The initial cyclooxygenase reaction converts arachidonic acid (which is achiral) to prostaglandin G2 (which has five chiral centres) [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Ptgs1


Biological context of Ptgs1


Anatomical context of Ptgs1


Associations of Ptgs1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Ptgs1

  • PGHS-2 enzyme was expressed maximally after 24 h of activation whereas PGHS-1 was not influenced [26].
  • It has long been proposed that the inhibition of the 5-LO could enhance the COX pathway leading to an increased PG generation [27].
  • TNF-alpha preferentially promoted gene expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 without affecting that of COX-1 [28].
  • We herein demonstrate that PGE2 in stimulated P388D1 cells is accounted for by the inducible cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 [29].
  • These cells exhibit increased basal PG production, which is due to a constitutively stimulated cytosolic phospholipase A2 and enhanced basal expression of the remaining COX isozyme [30].

Other interactions of Ptgs1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ptgs1


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