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Conservation of Natural Resources

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Disease relevance of Conservation of Natural Resources


High impact information on Conservation of Natural Resources


Chemical compound and disease context of Conservation of Natural Resources


Biological context of Conservation of Natural Resources


Anatomical context of Conservation of Natural Resources


Associations of Conservation of Natural Resources with chemical compounds

  • The forthcoming World Summit on Sustainable Development is an unprecedented opportunity to place health higher on the environmental and development agenda [24].
  • Since a single liposome may carry > or = 10,000 drug molecules, the use of PEG-conjugated immunoliposomes increases the drug carrying capacity of the monoclonal antibody by up to 4 logarithmic orders in magnitude [25].
  • The compound is of major importance in the petrochemical and polymer-processing industries, which can contribute to the pollution of natural resources via the release of styrene-contaminated effluents and off-gases [26].
  • Hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) was historically recognized as a toxic gas generated by natural resources [27].
  • Indentation testing and 35S uptake indicate preservation of sustained load carrying capacity and viability, respectively, in the presence of alpha-tocopherol for up to 30 days in organ culture [28].

Gene context of Conservation of Natural Resources

  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed that in vitro assays for estrogen receptor (ER)- and androgen receptor (AR)-mediated actions be included in a Tier-I screening battery to detect hormonally active chemicals [29].
  • Using the antibody to mimic the receptor, other different anti-EGFR inhibitors as well as the small-molecule half-antigen itself were recognized directly from the crude extract of herb, which afforded us a novel promising approach for the efficient screening of lead compounds or drug candidates from natural resources [30].
  • Under sections 73 and 74 of the revised Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA 1999), Environment Canada and Health Canada must "categorize" and "screen" about 23,000 substances on the Domestic Substances List (DSL) for persistence (P), bioaccumulation (B), and inherently toxic (iT) properties [31].
  • These results suggest that EPO is expressed in an all-or-none fashion in peritubular interstitial cells and that the oxygen carrying capacity of blood is the major regulator of renal EPO production [32].
  • Although a number of synthetic inhibitors of p53-HDM2 interaction have been reported so far, 1 is the second inhibitor isolated from natural resources [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Conservation of Natural Resources


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