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Chemical Compound Review

Sportake     N-propyl-N-[2-(2,4,6- trichlorophenoxy)ethy...

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Disease relevance of Prelude

  • 9. Sprint training improved muscle ion regulation, associated with increased intense exercise performance, at the expense of a greater systemic acidosis [1].
  • In one study (SPRINT I) [Israeli Sprint Study Group 1988], where a regimen of nifedipine 30 mg/day was only started 7 to 21 days after infarction, the exceptionally low mortality rate (5.7%) over 10 months in the placebo group precluded the demonstration of a beneficial effect of nifedipine [2].
  • Body weights were unaffected whereas liver weights were increased in prochloraz-treated animals [3].
  • Furthermore, a good correlation was obtained between the effects of prochloraz on the microsomal formation of benzo[a]pyrene metabolites and on the mutagenic activity of benzo[a]pyrene in the Salmonella typhimurium test [4].
  • A semi-natural field study was carried out to assess the likelihood of a potentiation of toxicity between the ergosterol biosynthesis inhibiting (EBI) fungicide, prochloraz, and the organophosphorus (OP) insecticide, malathion, in the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) [5].

High impact information on Prelude

  • Late gestational exposure to the fungicide prochloraz delays the onset of parturition and causes reproductive malformations in male but not female rat offspring [6].
  • Sexual crosses were used to determine the genetic basis of resistance to the sterol 14 alpha-demethylase inhibitor fungicide prochloraz in the cereal eyespot pathogen Tapesia yallundae [7].
  • Overall, these results together indicate that prochloraz acts directly on the fetal testis to inhibit steroidogenesis and that this effect is exhibited at protein, and not at genomic, level [8].
  • Prochloraz caused mild dysgenesis of the male external genitalia as well as reduced anogenital distance and retention of nipples in male pups [8].
  • Results showed that prochloraz and the mixture significantly reduced plasma and testicular testosterone levels in GD 21 male fetuses, whereas testicular progesterone was increased [9].

Biological context of Prelude


Anatomical context of Prelude

  • The effects on seminal vesicles, LH, T(4), and TSH were also evident in intact prochloraz-exposed young adult rats [3].
  • Chemical analysis of the rat breast milk showed that prochloraz was transferred to the milk [9].
  • In the Hershberger assay, prochloraz exposure at all dose levels (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg) given orally to castrated testosterone (T)-treated males markedly reduced weights of ventral prostate, seminal vesicles, musc. levator ani/bulbocavernosus, and bulbourethral gland [3].
  • There was no significant difference in bond strength values between traditional phosphoric acid/enamel bonding resin and Mirage Bond Dentin and Enamel Adhesive, Clearfil Liner Bond System, and Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Dental Adhesive System [15].
  • The inhibition by prochloraz and NP2EO of the md r1-like mechanism in trout hepatocytes suggests that water pollutants can interfere with P-gp-function in fish and thus may impair the organismal defense against xenobiotics [16].

Associations of Prelude with other chemical compounds

  • The commonly used imidazole fungicide prochloraz was tested for antiandrogenic effects in vitro and in vivo [3].
  • A pronounced decrease of ornithin decarboxylase and PBP C3 mRNA levels was observed for both prochloraz and flutamide [3].
  • Starlings (Stumus vulgaris), however, appeared not to be induced by 180 or 300 mg/kg prochloraz, and no difference in BuChE activity following dosing with malathion was apparent in comparison with controls [17].
  • METHODS: The following adhesives were used: Prime and Bond 2.1 (Dentsply); Single Bond (3M); PrimaBond 97' (BJM); Syntac Sprint (Vivadent); Optibond Solo (Kerr) and Syntac Single Component (Vivadent) [18].
  • Especially the combination with insecticides such as esfenvalerate, where the concentration needed to immobilize 50% of the daphnia was reduced from >3microgL(-1) to less than 0.5microgL(-1) when prochloraz was added, could be problematic as these concentrations are environmentally realistic [19].

Gene context of Prelude

  • Furthermore, fenarimol and prochloraz were potent aromatase inhibitors while endosulfan was a weak inhibitor [20].
  • Upon exposure with E2 or prochloraz a down regulation of ERalpha and ERbeta mRNAs was observed after 48 h of treatment [21].
  • Western blot analyses elicited a decreased ER protein level after 3 h of exposure with prochloraz but after 24 h the ERalpha protein level had recovered to basal level [21].
  • In addition cytochrome P450 (CYP)1A activities in livers were induced by prochloraz, possibly as a result of Ah receptor activation [9].
  • OBJECTIVES: (1) Test the sealing capacity and tensile strength of various adhesive systems: Scotch Bond 1 (Single Bond in USA)(SB1)+Z100, Syntac Sprint (SYN)+Tetric Ceram, Prime and Bond 2.1 (PB21)+TPH Spectrum, F2000 (Adhesive+Compomer) (F2000) and Optibond Solo (OPT)+Prodigy, to perfused teeth (30 cm distilled H2O), in select areas [22].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Prelude

  • Simplified determination of combined residues of prochloraz and its metabolites in vegetable, fruit and wheat samples by gas chromatography [23].
  • LV parameters were calculated using pre-installed software (Mirage Myocardial Perfusion SPECT) (study 1) and the other software (QGS; Cedars-Sinai) (study 2) [24].
  • Strain C964, identified as Aureobacterium sp., effectively reduced the fungitoxic activity of prochloraz in a bioassay and degradation was confirmed by HPLC [25].
  • This later adaptation was also evident in Subject 1 when using his Sprint Flex prosthesis [26].
  • The concentration of copper that causes a reduction of 90% in the residual of day 3 growth of the primary cell culture system was found to be approximately 10 fold more than that of prochloraz [27].


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