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Tensile Strength

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Disease relevance of Tensile Strength


High impact information on Tensile Strength

  • Link protein (LP), an extracellular matrix protein in cartilage, stabilizes aggregates of aggrecan and hyaluronan, giving cartilage its tensile strength and elasticity [6].
  • Fast on and off rates, together with the high tensile strength of the selectin bond, appear necessary to support rolling at physiological shear stresses [7].
  • The extent of wound repair, as evidenced by enhanced tensile strength, can be markedly improved in tissues transfected with TGF-beta1 expression constructs [8].
  • It is concluded that semicarbazide may selectively impair the maturation of lung collagen and that immaturity of lung collagen is associated with a reduction in the tensile strength of lung tissue, without changes in elasticity within physiological volume limits [9].
  • A fast off rate and the low tensile strength of the E-cadherin bond may be necessary to support the high selectivity and plasticity of epithelial cell interactions [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Tensile Strength


Biological context of Tensile Strength


Anatomical context of Tensile Strength


Associations of Tensile Strength with chemical compounds

  • A progressive decrease in collagen deposition on polyvinyl alcohol sponge and wounded skin tensile strength was seen as a function of the duration of diabetes [26].
  • Formation of aldehyde intermediates and cross-links during fibril formation may facilitate the biosynthesis of stable collagen fibrils and contribute to increased fibril tensile strength in vivo [27].
  • The differences in hydrolytic degradation of two size 2-0 synthetic absorbable sutures, Polyglycolic acid (Dexon) and Poly(glycolide-lactide) (Vicryl), in the buffer media of three different pH levels ranging from 5.25 to 10.09, were compared in terms of the percentage retention of tensile strength [28].
  • The higher aortic tensile strength that was produced by propranolol did not persist [29].
  • Our single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements reveal that type II VE-cadherin molecules form bonds that are less prone to rupture and display a higher tensile strength than bonds formed by classical type I neuronal (N) cadherin and epithelial (E) cadherin [30].

Gene context of Tensile Strength

  • Although no gross visible differences were noted among healed wounds of the different mouse types, measurement of tensile strength showed that both PGHS-1 and PGHS-2 null wounds were weaker (75% and 70%, respectively) than wild-type wounds at 12 days after incision [31].
  • LH hydroxylates specific lysine residues in the collagen molecule that are precursors for the formation of cross-links which provide collagen with its tensile strength [32].
  • Tensiometry was used to measure the tensile strength of incisional wounds over a 60-day time course; overall, Hoxb13 KO wounds are significantly stronger than wild-type (WT) [33].
  • We report that mice harboring a targeted disruption of the decorin gene are viable but have fragile skin with markedly reduced tensile strength [34].
  • Despite this severe structural alteration, mur3 plants were phenotypically normal and exhibited tensile strength in their inflorescence stems comparable to that of wild-type plants [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tensile Strength


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