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Gene Review

Fglu  -  fasting glucose

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Fgq1
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Disease relevance of Fglu


High impact information on Fglu

  • However, LGsKO mice maintained normal fasting glucose and insulin levels, probably due to prolonged breakdown of glycogen stores and possibly increased extrahepatic gluconeogenesis [6].
  • Fraction CD has these characteristics: (i) It induces glucose intolerance in fasting female ob/ob mice when injected subcutaneously in a divided dose, 15 min before and concurrently with glucose; mice injected with sufficient peptide exhibit elevated fasting glucose levels as long as 7 months after a single glucose tolerance test [7].
  • A strong negative correlation was observed between lipin mRNA levels and fasting glucose and insulin levels, as well as an indicator of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), in both mice and humans [8].
  • Serum was collected for measurement of insulin, adiponectin, fasting glucose, lipids, and aminotransferase concentrations [9].
  • Despite altered regulation of insulin signaling, Pten(+/-) heterodeficient standard diet-fed mice, approximately 4 months old, exhibit normal fasting glucose and insulin levels [10].

Biological context of Fglu


Anatomical context of Fglu


Associations of Fglu with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Fglu


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fglu


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