Gene Review:
Glb1 - galactosidase, beta 1
Mus musculus
AW125515, Acid beta-galactosidase, Beta-galactosidase, Bge, Bgl, ...
- Generalized CNS disease and massive GM1-ganglioside accumulation in mice defective in lysosomal acid beta-galactosidase. Hahn, C.N., del Pilar Martin, M., Schröder, M., Vanier, M.T., Hara, Y., Suzuki, K., Suzuki, K., d'Azzo, A. Hum. Mol. Genet. (1997)
- Substrate reduction reduces gangliosides in postnatal cerebrum-brainstem and cerebellum in GM1 gangliosidosis mice. Kasperzyk, J.L., d'Azzo, A., Platt, F.M., Alroy, J., Seyfried, T.N. J. Lipid Res. (2005)
- Expression of polyoma early functions in mouse embryonal carcinoma cells depends on sequence rearrangements in the beginning of the late region. Katinka, M., Yaniv, M., Vasseur, M., Blangy, D. Cell (1980)
- Is lactase the receptor and uncoating enzyme for infantile enteritis (rota) viruses? Holmes, I.H., Rodger, S.M., Schnagl, R.D., Ruck, B.J., Gust, I.D., Bishop, R.F., Barnes, G.L. Lancet (1976)
- Cis-active control of mouse beta-galactosidase biosynthesis by a systemic regulatory locus. Berger, F.G., Paigen, K. Nature (1979)
- Construction of a D2.B6-Fv-2r congenic mouse strain: nonlethality of the homozygous Fv-2' genotype. Dizik, M., Elliott, R.W., Lilly, F. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1981)
- Effects of ammonia on processing and secretion of precursor and mature lysosomal enzyme from macrophages of normal and pale ear mice: evidence for two distinct pathways. Brown, J.A., Novak, E.K., Swank, R.T. J. Cell Biol. (1985)
- Inheritance of lysosomal acid beta-galactosidase activity and gangliosides in crosses of DBA/2J and knockout mice. Hauser, E.C., Kasperzyk, J.L., d'Azzo, A., Seyfried, T.N. Biochem. Genet. (2004)
- Paradoxical influence of acid beta-galactosidase gene dosage on phenotype of the twitcher mouse (genetic galactosylceramidase deficiency). Tohyama, J., Vanier, M.T., Suzuki, K., Ezoe, T., Matsuda, J., Suzuki, K. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2000)
- A type 1 diabetes-related protein from wheat (Triticum aestivum). cDNA clone of a wheat storage globulin, Glb1, linked to islet damage. MacFarlane, A.J., Burghardt, K.M., Kelly, J., Simell, T., Simell, O., Altosaar, I., Scott, F.W. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Substrate specificity and distribution of acid beta-galactosidase activities in seizure-susceptible and non-susceptible strains of mice. Wheeler, D.F., Bachelard, H.S. Neurochem. Res. (1984)
- Correlation between structural variation and activity of murine kidney beta-galactosidase: implications for genetic control. Li, I.C., Daniel, W.L. Biochem. Genet. (1976)
- Effects of double amino-acid substitution polymorphism in acid beta-galactosidase gene in two inbred strains of mice. Hara, Y., Nishimoto, J., Suzuki, K. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1994)
- Functional identification of a BAC clone from 16q24 carrying a senescence gene SEN16 for breast cancer cells. Kaur, G.P., Reddy, D.E., Zimonjic, D.B., de Riel, J.K., Athwal, R.S. Oncogene (2005)
- Mesenchyme-mediated effects of retinoic acid during rat intestinal development. Plateroti, M., Freund, J.N., Leberquier, C., Kedinger, M. J. Cell. Sci. (1997)
- Correction of acid beta-galactosidase deficiency in GM1 gangliosidosis human fibroblasts by retrovirus vector-mediated gene transfer: higher efficiency of release and cross-correction by the murine enzyme. Sena-Esteves, M., Camp, S.M., Alroy, J., Breakefield, X.O., Kaye, E.M. Hum. Gene Ther. (2000)
- Selective expression of brush border hydrolases by mouse Peyer's patch and jejunal villus enterocytes. Smith, M.W. J. Cell. Physiol. (1985)
- Beta-galactosidase-deficient mouse as an animal model for GM1-gangliosidosis. Matsuda, J., Suzuki, O., Oshima, A., Ogura, A., Noguchi, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Asano, T., Takimoto, K., Sukegawa, K., Suzuki, Y., Naiki, M. Glycoconj. J. (1997)
- Effects of the Bgs locus on mouse beta-galactosidase. Meisler, M.H. Biochem. Genet. (1976)
- Loads, capacities and safety factors of maltase and the glucose transporter SGLT1 in mouse intestinal brush border. Lam, M.M., O'Connor, T.P., Diamond, J. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (2002)
- Sugar-dependent selective induction of mouse jejunal disaccharidase activities. Collins, A.J., James, P.S., Smith, M.W. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1989)
- Genetically controlled variation of "acid" beta-galactosidase detected in Rattus norvegicus by isoelectric focusing. Douglas, T.C., Kimmel, K.A., Dawson, P.E. Genetics (1982)
- Molecular cloning of mouse acid beta-galactosidase cDNA: sequence, expression of catalytic activity and comparison with the human enzyme. Nanba, E., Suzuki, K. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1990)
- Induction of endogenous beta-galactosidase by ionizing radiation complicates the analysis of p53-LacZ transgenic mice. Coates, P.J., Lorimore, S.A., Rigat, B.A., Lane, D.P., Wright, E.G. Oncogene (2001)
- Effects of fecal microorganisms and their chloroform-resistant variants derived from mice, rats, and humans on immunological and physiological characteristics of the intestines of ex-germfree mice. Okada, Y., Setoyama, H., Matsumoto, S., Imaoka, A., Nanno, M., Kawaguchi, M., Umesaki, Y. Infect. Immun. (1994)