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Gene Review

eco29kIR  -  restriction endonuclease

Escherichia coli

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Disease relevance of eco29kIR


High impact information on eco29kIR

  • They were characterized as murine autonomously replicating sequences by Mbol restriction endonuclease sensitivity, by bromodeoxyuridine substitution, by copy number determination, and by segregation analysis [6].
  • Mu end DNA sequences that have been precisely cut at their 3' ends by a restriction endonuclease, instead of by Mu A protein and HU, are efficiently transferred to a target DNA upon subsequent incubation with Mu A protein, Mu B protein, and ATP [7].
  • 247 independent events involving insertion of the TN3 transposable element into a 4 kb constructed plasmid (pTU4) of partially known DNA sequence were studied by restriction endonuclease mapping, and 65 of these insertion sites were examined further by DNA sequence analysis [8].
  • In vitro transcription of restriction endonuclease fragments containing this region from either operon reveals the presence of two promoters about 110 nucleotides apart; they are denoted P1 and P2 [9].
  • When transcripts arising from this promoter region are terminated by restriction endonuclease cleavage of DNA, two RNA chains are resolved by gel electrophoresis that differ in length by about 100 bases [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of eco29kIR


Biological context of eco29kIR


Anatomical context of eco29kIR


Associations of eco29kIR with chemical compounds


Other interactions of eco29kIR


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of eco29kIR


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