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Gene Review

Cdh3  -  cadherin 3

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI385538, Cadherin-3, Cadp, Cdhp, P-cadherin, ...
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Disease relevance of Cdh3


High impact information on Cdh3

  • E- or P-cadherin was transfected into L cells, which normally have little cadherin activity, and cellular aggregation of the resulting transfectants was observed to be a function of the cadherin molecule expressed [6].
  • The interaction between nephrin and Neph1 is specific and not shared by either protein with P-cadherin, another integral slit diaphragm protein [7].
  • BC44 mammary epithelial cells in culture, display phenotypic characteristics of basal epithelium, i.e., express basal cytokeratins 5 and 14 and P-cadherin, but no smooth muscle markers [8].
  • In contrast to E- and N-cadherin- deficient mice, mice homozygous for the P-cadherin mutation are viable [4].
  • Furthermore, the loss of P-cadherin from the myoepithelium has uncovered a novel function for this tissue in maintaining the undifferentiated state of the underlying secretory epithelium [4].

Biological context of Cdh3


Anatomical context of Cdh3


Associations of Cdh3 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Cdh3


Other interactions of Cdh3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cdh3


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  8. EGF controls the in vivo developmental potential of a mammary epithelial cell line possessing progenitor properties. Deugnier, M.A., Faraldo, M.M., Janji, B., Rousselle, P., Thiery, J.P., Glukhova, M.A. J. Cell Biol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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