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Gene Review

Fth1  -  ferritin heavy chain 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AL022624, AL033366, FHC, Ferritin H subunit, Ferritin heavy chain, ...
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Disease relevance of Fth1


High impact information on Fth1


Biological context of Fth1

  • Multiple ferritin H subunit sequences are present in the genome of higher vertebrates, but it is not yet known with certainty if more than one is expressed [7].
  • Analysis of the genomic structure of FHC suggested the presence of pseudogenes [8].
  • Pacsins are cytoplasmic adapter proteins with an N-terminal FHC, a central coiled coil, and a C-terminal SH3 domain and several potential phosphorylation sites [9].
  • Localization of a new ferritin heavy chain sequence present in human brain mRNA to chromosome 11 [10].
  • Two cell lines (Nara-H and Nara-F) with different phenotypes were established from a myxoid MFH of the uterus [11].

Anatomical context of Fth1


Associations of Fth1 with chemical compounds

  • The plasma glucose concentration and amount of urinary excreted glucose were lower from the HES and MFH diets than from the BAS and WFH diets [17].
  • Each test diet contained 4.0% of the hot-water extract (HES) from defatted sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed, 1.4% of the water eluent fraction (WFH) of HES or 0.7% of the methanol eluent fraction (MFH) of HES from a glass column packed with HP-20 resin [17].
  • In situ hybridization was performed with sections obtained from mammary gland at 10 days of lactation and at 1 and 3 days of involution using either digoxigenin-labeled antisense or sense RNA probe in order to localize expression of WDNM1 and ferritin heavy chain mRNA [18].

Other interactions of Fth1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Fth1

  • The molecular cloning and characterization of murine ferritin heavy chain, a tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene [12].
  • This cDNA was used to establish the genomic location of mouse ferritin H subunit genes by chromosomal in situ hybridization [21].
  • Cloned FHC cells were demonstrated to have the ability to maintain hemopoietic progenitors in fetal liver and adult bone marrow in the coculture, and among them, FHC-4D2 clone displayed the greatest activity [15].
  • Nevertheless, divergent differentiations exhibiting unusual double or triple patterns could be documented ultrastructurally in 12/30 xenografts with juxtaposed myomatous as well as nerve sheath-like cells and, in addition, histiocytoid (MFH-like) elements in 3 of the xenografts [22].


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