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Gene Review

H19  -  H19, imprinted maternally expressed...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI747191
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Disease relevance of H19


High impact information on H19

  • Various chromatin models have been proposed that separate Igf2 and H19 into active and silent domains [6].
  • Here we used a GAL4 knock-in approach as well as the chromosome conformation capture technique to show that the differentially methylated regions in the imprinted genes Igf2 and H19 interact in mice [6].
  • Differentially methylated regions in Igf2 and H19 contain chromatin boundaries, silencers and activators and regulate the reciprocal expression of the two genes in a methylation-sensitive manner by allowing them exclusive access to a shared set of enhancers [6].
  • Thus, the nine CpG mutations in the DMD showed that the two parental-specific roles of the H19 DMD, methylation maintenance and insulator assembly, are antagonistic [7].
  • Deletion of a silencer element in Igf2 results in loss of imprinting independent of H19 [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of H19


Biological context of H19

  • Two of them, insulin-like growth factor-2 (Igf-2) and H19, map to the distal end of mouse chromosome 7, but are imprinted in opposite directions [11].
  • To test this hypothesis, a targeted deletion of two endoderm-specific enhancers that lie 3' of H19 was generated by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells [12].
  • Inheritance of the enhancer deletion through the maternal lineage led to a loss of H19 gene expression in cells of endodermal origin, including cells in the liver, gut, kidney, and lung [12].
  • The expression of each gene was biallelic in the female and male germ line from the time that migratory mitotic PGCs entered the embryonic genital ridge and throughout gametogenesis, except that H19 RNA was not detected late in gametogenesis [13].
  • The identical expression during development of the 3'-most genes in the cluster, Igf2 and H19, led to the proposal that their imprinting was mechanistically linked through a common set of transcriptional regulatory elements [12].

Anatomical context of H19

  • The closely linked H19 and Igf2 genes were activated after the blastocyst stage and often exhibited biallelic and monoallelic expression respectively in tissues of pregastrulation postimplantation-stage embryos, rather than reciprocal monoallelic modes as observed at later stages [14].
  • These results establish that H19 and Igf2 utilize the same endoderm enhancers, but on different parental chromosomes [12].
  • In many of the ES fetuses, the levels of H19 expression were strongly reduced, and this biallelic repression was associated with biallellic methylation of the H19 upstream region [15].
  • We here demonstrate retention of normal differential methylation at H19, Igf2, or Kvlqt1 DMR by all of the cell lines [16].
  • We did find, however, that the H19 gene was highly expressed not only in the parthenogenetic conceptus, but also in giant trophoblasts and secondary giant cells in the androgenetic placenta, in spite of the imprinting of the H19 gene in normal mouse extra embryonic tissues [17].

Associations of H19 with chemical compounds

  • Physical linkage of two mammalian imprinted genes, H19 and insulin-like growth factor 2 [11].
  • Levels of H19 transcripts in aorta correlated positively with plasma total homocysteine concentration (p < 0.05, r = 0.620) [1].
  • By using Southern blots and the bisulfite genomic-sequencing technique, we have investigated the allelic methylation patterns (epigenotypes) of the Igf2 gene in two strains of mouse with distinct deletions of the H19 gene [18].
  • Igf2, H19 and Igf2r were all appropriately expressed in the PGES derived cells following induction of differentiation in vitro with all-trans retinoic acid or DMSO, when compared with control (D3) and androgenetic ES cells (AGES) [19].
  • Previous observations from a limited analysis have suggested that methylation of a few CpG dinucleotides in the region upstream from the start of transcription may be the mark that confers parental identity to the H19 alleles [20].

Physical interactions of H19

  • Here we document that point mutations of the nucleotides in physical contact with CTCF within the endogenous H19 ICR lead to loss of CTCF binding and Igf2 imprinting only when passaged through the female germline [21].
  • H19 RNA binds four molecules of insulin-like growth factor II mRNA-binding protein [22].

Enzymatic interactions of H19

  • The interactions between the enhancers and the genes are regulated by the DMR, which works as a selector by exerting dual functions: a methylated DMR on the paternal chromosome inactivates adjacent H19 and an unmethylated DMR on the maternal chromosome insulates Igf2 from the enhancers [23].

Regulatory relationships of H19

  • Loss of the maternal H19 gene induces changes in Igf2 methylation in both cis and trans [18].
  • Indeed, our results indicate that overexpression of c-mos protein in the muscle cell line C2C12 induces a concomitant increase of H19 mRNA expression [24].

Other interactions of H19

  • Igf-2 lies approximately 90 kilobases of DNA 5' to H19, in the same transcriptional orientation [11].
  • The mRNA levels of H19, Igf2r and Igf-2 and the degree of methylation at specific associated sequences were correlated according to previous studies in embryos, and thereby are consistent with suggestions that the methylation might play a role in controlling transcription of these genes [25].
  • Three of the four known imprinted genes (Igf-2, H19, and Snrpn) map to mouse chromosome 7 [26].
  • A DNA mapping panel derived from an interspecific backcross was used to position the mouse insulin-2 locus (Ins-2) on Chromosome 7, near H19 (0/114 recombinants) and Th (1/114 recombinants) [27].
  • The imprinting of the Igf2 and Ins2 genes is dependent on the transcription of the downstream H19 gene [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of H19


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  6. Interaction between differentially methylated regions partitions the imprinted genes Igf2 and H19 into parent-specific chromatin loops. Murrell, A., Heeson, S., Reik, W. Nat. Genet. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Antagonism between DNA hypermethylation and enhancer-blocking activity at the H19 DMD is uncovered by CpG mutations. Engel, N., West, A.G., Felsenfeld, G., Bartolomei, M.S. Nat. Genet. (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. Deletion of a silencer element in Igf2 results in loss of imprinting independent of H19. Constância, M., Dean, W., Lopes, S., Moore, T., Kelsey, G., Reik, W. Nat. Genet. (2000) [Pubmed]
  9. Steroid hormones modulate H19 gene expression in both mammary gland and uterus. Adriaenssens, E., Lottin, S., Dugimont, T., Fauquette, W., Coll, J., Dupouy, J.P., Boilly, B., Curgy, J.J. Oncogene (1999) [Pubmed]
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