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Gene Review

Lmnb1  -  lamin B1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Lamin-B1
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Disease relevance of Lmnb1


High impact information on Lmnb1


Biological context of Lmnb1


Anatomical context of Lmnb1

  • Its position on two-dimensional gel suggested that p70 is nuclear envelope lamin B. This possibility was confirmed by the co-migration of p70 with the lamin fraction of mouse liver and its immunoprecipitation with antinuclear lamina antibody [11].
  • Lamin B also conforms to the general molecular organization principle of the members of the intermediate filament (IF) protein family, i.e., an extended alpha-helical rod domain that is interrupted by two non alpha-helical linkers and flanked by non-alpha-helical head (amino-terminal) and tail (carboxy-terminal) domains [1].
  • On immunoblots anti-lamin B reacts with a approximately 68 kD polypeptide in all germ cells and, to a lesser extent, with four additional polypeptides present only in meiotic and post-meiotic nuclear matrices [10].
  • Anti-lamin B binds to the nuclear periphery of all cell types examined, including Sertoli cells, primitive type A spermatogonia, preleptotene, leptotene, zygotene and pachytene spermatocytes, and round spermatids [10].
  • In mouse morulae or blastocysts, lamins A/C are no longer recognized, although lamin B remains [12].

Associations of Lmnb1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Lmnb1

  • Lamin B2 is coexpressed with lamin B1 (formerly termed lamin B) in all somatic cells and mammalian species that we analysed, including a variety of cells currently believed to contain only a single lamin [16].
  • The occurrence of nuclear abnormalities was reduced when lamin B1 was coexpressed with mutant lamin A, emphasizing the functional interaction of the two types of lamins [17].
  • The cleavage of lamin B was inhibited by caspase inhibitors [18].

Other interactions of Lmnb1

  • This view and earlier results on lamin B predict multiple post-translational modifications shared by lamins A and B. While retained by lamin B, which is present in all cells, they are lost by maturation from lamin A, which probably acts only as an additional lamina constituent in differentiated cells [19].
  • Apoptosis was accompanied by the processing and activation of CPP32 and Mch3 alpha, together with the cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and lamin B1 [20].
  • The results agree in that a major part of the enzyme co-localizes with lamin B under physiological conditions, where PARP-1 only has basal activity [21].
  • Apoptosis induced by IL-3 deprivation but not BSO also caused lamin B1 cleavage, suggesting activation of caspase-6 [22].
  • In eggs collected at the pronuclear stage and cultured to the late two-cell stage in the presence of alpha-amanitin, the matrix morphology was altered for Pl1 and Pl2. alpha-Amanitin had no affect on the distribution of P1 or lamin B antigens [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Lmnb1

  • Western blot analysis of the expression of lamins with specific antibodies indicates that lamin B is expressed throughout liver development, unlike lamins A and C which are absent in fetal liver [24].
  • Co-localization of PARP-1 and lamin B in the nuclear architecture: a halo-fluorescence- and confocal-microscopy study [21].


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