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Gene Review

GRK5  -  G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: G protein-coupled receptor kinase GRK5, GPRK5
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Disease relevance of GRK5

  • GRK5, overexpressed in Sf9 insect cells using the baculovirus system, was able to phosphorylate rhodopsin in a light-dependent manner [1].
  • The results point to differences in which myocardial GRKs are regulated in cardiac disease, whereby changes in GRK2 expression may be related to the global effects of the disease on myocardial adrenoceptor function and those in GRK5 may be localized to the ventricles, depending on the nature of the myocardial load [2].
  • An inbred cardiomyopathic hamster strain, J2N-k, was used to investigate the alteration of GRK5 mRNA expression in the setting of congestive heart failure [3].
  • The role of G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 in pathogenesis of sporadic Parkinson's disease [4].

High impact information on GRK5


Biological context of GRK5

  • Ca(2+)/CaM binding to the N-terminal CaM binding site of GRK5 mediates this effect [8].
  • Mutation of basic residues in the catalytic domain of GRK5 (between amino acids 388 and 395) results in the nuclear exclusion of the mutant enzyme (GRK5(Delta)(NLS)), demonstrating that GRK5 contains a functional NLS [8].
  • The ubiquitous calcium binding protein calmodulin (CaM) can inhibit GRK5 with a high affinity (IC50=40-50 nM) [9].
  • For example, GRK5 activity is strongly inhibited by protein kinase C phosphorylation and by Ca2+-calmodulin binding [10].
  • Heparin and dextran sulfate were found to be potent inhibitors of GRK5 with IC50 values of approximately 1 nM, thereby being at least 150-fold more potent on GRK5 than on beta ARK [11].

Anatomical context of GRK5


Associations of GRK5 with chemical compounds

  • Using glutathione S-transferase-GRK5 fusion proteins either to inhibit calmodulin-stimulated autophosphorylation or to bind directly to calmodulin, we determined that an amino-terminal domain of GRK5 (amino acids 20-39) is sufficient for calmodulin binding [15].
  • We find that lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation is significantly enhanced in arrestin-2 and GRK5 knockdown cells [16].
  • GRK5 can also be activated by polycations, with 10 microM polylysine promoting an approximately 2.6-fold activation [11].
  • We report that membrane-bound hSPR is phosphorylated by purified GRK5, and that both the rate and extent of phosphorylation increase dramatically in the presence of substance P [17].
  • Epinephrine treatment for 1 min induced a rapid increase in the phosphorylation of the GRK5 and PKA- mutant betaARs as well as the WT [18].

Physical interactions of GRK5

  • Last, we show that mutation of the hydrophobic residues severely diminishes phospholipid-dependent autophosphorylation of GRK5 and phosphorylation of membrane-bound rhodopsin by GRK5 [19].

Enzymatic interactions of GRK5


Co-localisations of GRK5


Regulatory relationships of GRK5


Other interactions of GRK5


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GRK5


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