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Gene Review

INSM1  -  insulinoma-associated 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: IA-1, IA1, Insulinoma-associated protein 1, Zinc finger protein IA-1
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Disease relevance of INSM1


High impact information on INSM1

  • The Zinc-finger factor Insm1 (IA-1) is essential for the development of pancreatic beta cells and intestinal endocrine cells [4].
  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: BCA was defined as elevated levels of insulin autoantibody, glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody, or insulinoma-associated islet tyrosine phosphatases autoantibody (IA-2) above the 99th percentile of 198 normal subjects [5].
  • In this report we describe the expression of IA-1 mRNA in a panel of 64 human lung cell lines [6].
  • IA-1 is a recently isolated novel complementary DNA which encodes a protein of 510 amino acids that contains both a zinc finger DNA-binding domain and a putative prohormone domain. mRNA expression of IA-1 has been found thus far only in tumors of neuroendocrine origin [6].
  • In most of the lung cancer cell lines examined, IA-1 showed high concordance with the other neuroendocrine markers, L-dopa decarboxylase, and chromogranin A. The one exception was a variant small cell lung cancer cell line which expressed low or nondetectable levels of L-dopa decarboxylase [6].
  • INSM1 can promote pancreatic duct-to-beta cell conversion, through transcription regulation of certain ITFs like Pax6, Nkx6.1, etc [7] .

Chemical compound and disease context of INSM1


Biological context of INSM1


Anatomical context of INSM1

  • METHODOLOGY: To examine whether the IA-1 gene is associated with pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation, we used a rat pancreatic amphicrine cell line, AR42J, to investigate whether the expression of the IA-1 gene coincides with AR42J cells converting into either endocrine or exocrine lineage [10].
  • These findings suggest that the IA-1 protein may be auto-regulated and play a role in pancreas and neuronal development, specifically in the regulation of the NeuroD/beta2 gene [11].
  • IA-2-dependent IFN-gamma secretion was induced in CD4(+) cells from spleen as well as pancreatic and mesenteric lymph [12].
  • We now report that T cell responses to IA-2 can also be detected in the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse, a model of human IDDM [12].
  • In 50 patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes, antibodies to GAD and insulinoma-associated antigen 2 (IA-2) were analyzed by radioimmunoassay; cytoplasmic islet cell antibodies were determined by indirect immunofluorescence [13].

Associations of INSM1 with chemical compounds

  • 1. In contrast, dramatically decreased expression of mRNA for IA-1 and islet-specific transcription factors was displayed when AR42J cells were converted into the acinar-like phenotype by dexamethasone [10].
  • Insulinoma-associated protein (IA)-2beta, also known as phogrin, is an enzymatically inactive member of the transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase family and is located in dense-core secretory vesicles [14].
  • The regioisomers with the N-phenyl on pyrrole rings A and D are obtained in a 2:1 ratio with isozyme IA1, 1:1 with IIB2, 1:1.7 with IIB1, and 1:2 with IIE1 [15].
  • However, the Pvd- Pch+ strain (211-5) had no observable advantage over the Pvd- Pch- strain, IA1, during incubation in human serum [16].

Other interactions of INSM1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of INSM1


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  2. The insulinoma-associated 1: a novel promoter for targeted cancer gene therapy for small-cell lung cancer. Pedersen, N., Pedersen, M.W., Lan, M.S., Breslin, M.B., Poulsen, H.S. Cancer Gene Ther. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Molecular characterization of the promoter region of a neuroendocrine tumor marker, IA-1. Li, Q., Notkins, A.L., Lan, M.S. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1997) [Pubmed]
  4. The Zinc-finger factor Insm1 (IA-1) is essential for the development of pancreatic beta cells and intestinal endocrine cells. Gierl, M.S., Karoulias, N., Wende, H., Strehle, M., Birchmeier, C. Genes Dev. (2006) [Pubmed]
  5. Lack of association between early exposure to cow's milk protein and beta-cell autoimmunity. Diabetes Autoimmunity Study in the Young (DAISY). Norris, J.M., Beaty, B., Klingensmith, G., Yu Liping, n.u.l.l., Hoffman, M., Chase, H.P., Erlich, H.A., Hamman, R.F., Eisenbarth, G.S., Rewers, M. JAMA (1996) [Pubmed]
  6. IA-1, a new marker for neuroendocrine differentiation in human lung cancer cell lines. Lan, M.S., Russell, E.K., Lu, J., Johnson, B.E., Notkins, A.L. Cancer Res. (1993) [Pubmed]
  7. Insulinoma-associated antigen-1 zinc-finger transcription factor promotes pancreatic duct cell trans-differentiation. Zhang, T., Wang, H., Saunee, N.A., Breslin, M.B., Lan, M.S. Endocrinology. (2010) [Pubmed]
  8. Insulinoma associated with a case of multiple endocrine neoplasia type I: Functional somatostatin receptors and abnormal glucose-induced insulin secretion. Waeber, G., Gomez, F., Bishof-Delaloye, A., Chaubert, P., Francke, M.L., Haefliger, J.A., Scherrer, U., Centeno, G., Temler, E., Nicod, P. Horm. Res. (1997) [Pubmed]
  9. INSM1 functions as a transcriptional repressor of the neuroD/beta2 gene through the recruitment of cyclin D1 and histone deacetylases. Liu, W.D., Wang, H.W., Muguira, M., Breslin, M.B., Lan, M.S. Biochem. J. (2006) [Pubmed]
  10. Expression of a novel zinc-finger cDNA, IA-1, is associated with rat AR42J cells differentiation into insulin-positive cells. Zhu, M., Breslin, M.B., Lan, M.S. Pancreas (2002) [Pubmed]
  11. Neuroendocrine differentiation factor, IA-1, is a transcriptional repressor and contains a specific DNA-binding domain: identification of consensus IA-1 binding sequence. Breslin, M.B., Zhu, M., Notkins, A.L., Lan, M.S. Nucleic Acids Res. (2002) [Pubmed]
  12. Early Th1 response in unprimed nonobese diabetic mice to the tyrosine phosphatase-like insulinoma-associated protein 2, an autoantigen in type 1 diabetes. Trembleau, S., Penna, G., Gregori, S., Magistrelli, G., Isacchi, A., Adorini, L. J. Immunol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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  14. Targeted disruption of the IA-2beta gene causes glucose intolerance and impairs insulin secretion but does not prevent the development of diabetes in NOD mice. Kubosaki, A., Gross, S., Miura, J., Saeki, K., Zhu, M., Nakamura, S., Hendriks, W., Notkins, A.L. Diabetes (2004) [Pubmed]
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  19. A novel human insulinoma-associated cDNA, IA-1, encodes a protein with "zinc-finger" DNA-binding motifs. Goto, Y., De Silva, M.G., Toscani, A., Prabhakar, B.S., Notkins, A.L., Lan, M.S. J. Biol. Chem. (1992) [Pubmed]
  20. Genomic organization, 5'-upstream sequence, and chromosomal localization of an insulinoma-associated intronless gene, IA-1. Lan, M.S., Li, Q., Lu, J., Modi, W.S., Notkins, A.L. J. Biol. Chem. (1994) [Pubmed]
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