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Gene Review

Rps15  -  ribosomal protein S15

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 40S ribosomal protein S15, RIG protein, Rig, insulinoma, rat insulinoma gene, ...
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Disease relevance of Rps15


High impact information on Rps15

  • Membrane preparations from COS 7 cells transfected with the full-length 1,267-bp cDNA elicited a proliferative response from the reporter T cells comparable to that of the defined peptide epitope and native insulinoma antigen [6].
  • Analysis of the antigens recognized by individual T cell clones from the Th1 line included reactivity against an insulinoma membrane fraction enriched in proteins of approximately 38 kD [7].
  • CD4+ T cell lines were generated from the spleens of diabetic NOD mice against crude membrane preparations derived from a rat insulinoma [7].
  • To test the biological consequences of the 8-bp repeat sequence in the insulin promoter, a normal and variant promoter were subcloned into a luciferase plasmid, and reporter gene activity assessed by transient transfection into mouse insulinoma (beta TC1) and hamster insulinoma (HIT) cells [8].
  • Mice were examined for the presence of splenocytes specifically cytotoxic for a rat insulinoma cell line (RIN) during the induction of diabetes by streptozotocin (SZ) in multiple low doses (Multi-Strep) [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Rps15


Biological context of Rps15


Anatomical context of Rps15

  • The observed pattern of cleavage site selectivities mimicked that of the endogenous endoproteases of the insulinoma and bovine adrenomedullary chromaffin cells, suggesting that PC2 and PC3 may represent important core endoproteases in the catalysis of prohormone processing in many neuroendocrine cell types [17].
  • We now show that the bone marrow can contribute to myofibroblast and fibroblast populations in tumor stroma in a mouse model of pancreatic insulinoma [18].
  • Because the induction of IL-6 appears to be an important host cell response to injury, we have examined whether IL-6 is produced by murine pancreatic islets or rat insulinoma (RIN-m5F) cells after their exposure to IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha [19].
  • In an attempt to identify novel pancreatic beta-cell surface antigens, mouse monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) were raised against rat insulinoma (RIN5F) cells with standard techniques [20].
  • Although GLP-I activates adenylate cyclase, the arylpiperazine has no effect on this enzyme or on the binding of 125I-labeled GLP-I to its receptor on RINm5F rat insulinoma cell membranes [21].

Associations of Rps15 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Rps15


Other interactions of Rps15


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Rps15


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