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Gene Review

KCNJ11  -  potassium channel, inwardly rectifying...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11, BIR, HHF2, IKATP, Inward rectifier K(+) channel Kir6.2, ...
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Disease relevance of KCNJ11


High impact information on KCNJ11

  • The N-terminal domain consists of transactivation, CARD, Pyrin, or BIR domains, with a minority containing undefined domains [6].
  • Mutations in both the SUR1 and KIR6.2 genes have been shown to cause familial hyperinsulinism, indicating the importance of the pancreatic beta-cell channel in the regulation of insulin secretion [7].
  • Potassium currents in the myocardium can be classified into one of two general categories: 1) inward rectifying currents such as IK1, IKACh, and IKATP; and 2) primarily voltage-gated currents such as IKs, IKr, IKp, IKur, and Ito [8].
  • We show here that the primary site at which ATP acts to mediate K-ATP channel inhibition is located on Kir6.2, and that SUR1 is required for sensitivity to sulphonylureas and diazoxide and for activation by Mg-ADP [9].
  • The four open reading frames (ORFs) possess three baculoviral inhibition of apoptosis protein repeat (BIR) domains and a carboxy-terminal RING zinc-finger [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of KCNJ11


Biological context of KCNJ11

  • The multiple phenotypes associated with activating KCNJ11 mutations may reflect their severity in vitro [16].
  • Analysis of the type 2 diabetes-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in the genes IRS1, KCNJ11, and PPARG2 in type 1 diabetes [17].
  • RESULTS: The EE, EK and KK genotype frequencies of the KCNJ11 E23K polymorphism differed significantly between GDM and control women (31.5, 52.7 and 15.8% vs 37.3, 48.8 and 13.9%, respectively; p=0.050) [3].
  • We selected 15 hyperinsulinism of infancy patients and systematically sequenced the promoter and all coding exons and intron/exon boundaries of ABCC8 and KCNJ11 [18].
  • Seven novel mutations were found in the ABCC8 coding region, one mutation was found in the KCNJ11 coding region, and one novel mutation was found in each of the two promoter regions screened [18].

Anatomical context of KCNJ11


Associations of KCNJ11 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of KCNJ11

  • Only SUR1 and SUR1Delta17 showed high-affinity binding of glibenclamide (K(d) approximately 2 nM in the presence of 1 mM ATP) and formed functional K(ATP) channels upon coexpression with Kir6.2 [29].
  • However, until now the existence of such heteromultimeric Kir6.1/Kir6.2 complexes has not been demonstrated for native K(ATP) channels [30].

Enzymatic interactions of KCNJ11


Regulatory relationships of KCNJ11

  • (86)Rb(+) efflux and electrophysiological studies of R1353H SUR1 coexpressed with wild-type Kir6.2 in COSm6 cells demonstrated partially impaired ATP-dependent potassium channel function [32].

Other interactions of KCNJ11

  • In conclusion, our results showed no evidence of a synergistic interaction between the KCNJ11 Glu(23)Lys and PPARG Pro(12)Ala polymorphisms, but indicated that they may act in an additive manner to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes [33].
  • We are the first to show that K(ATP) channel in human corporal smooth muscle is composed of Kir6.1-Kir6.2 construct expressed with SUR2B by RT-PCR [34].
  • We investigated whether mutations in KCNJ11 could also give rise to TNDM [16].
  • Permanent diabetes of non autoimmune origin can present up to 6 months from birth in individuals with KCNJ11 and EIF2AK3 mutations [35].
  • In addition to diabetes, some KCNJ11 mutations also result in marked developmental delay and epilepsy [16].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of KCNJ11


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