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Gene Review

MAT1A  -  methionine adenosyltransferase I, alpha

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: AMS1, AdoMet synthase 1, MAT, MAT 1, MAT-I/III, ...
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Disease relevance of MAT1A


Psychiatry related information on MAT1A


High impact information on MAT1A

  • The levels of MAT1A mRNA as well as MAT I/III protein decreased in cultured rat hepatocytes by in situ generation of ceramide from exogenous human placenta ASMase [8].
  • Here we show that acidic sphingomyelinase (ASMase) mediates the downregulation of MAT1A by TNF-alpha [8].
  • Demyelination of the brain is associated with methionine adenosyltransferase I/III deficiency [9].
  • We recently demonstrated that apoptosis was prominent in undifferentiated cells around dysplastic tubules (Winyard, P.J.D., J. Nauta, D.S. Lirenman, P. Hardman, V.R. Sams, R.A. Risdon, and A.S. Woolf. 1996. Kidney Int. 49:135-146), perhaps explaining the tendency of some of these organs to regress [10].
  • We investigated sulfur and methyl group metabolism in a 31-yr-old man with partial hepatic methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) deficiency [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of MAT1A


Biological context of MAT1A


Anatomical context of MAT1A


Associations of MAT1A with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of MAT1A


Other interactions of MAT1A


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MAT1A


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