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Gene Review

Mat1a  -  methionine adenosyltransferase I, alpha

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: AdoMet, AdoMet synthase 1, Ams1, MAT 1, MAT-I/III, ...
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Disease relevance of Mat1a

  • Hypoxia dramatically reduced methionine adenosyltransferase gene transcription, and messenger stability was also decreased, although to a lesser extent [1].
  • The effect of AdoMet on okadaic acid (OA)-induced apoptosis was evaluated using primary cultures of rat hepatocytes and human hepatoma cell lines [2].
  • AdoMet administration attenuates experimental liver damage, improves survival of alcoholic patients with cirrhosis, and prevents experimental hepatocarcinogenesis [2].
  • The results show that intravenously administered AdoMet is efficiently metabolized in vivo up to the highest tested dose (250 mumol X kg-1 body weight), about two-thirds of the metabolized compound being utilized via transmethylation and cleavage to methylthioadenosine and one-third via decarboxylation [3].
  • Renal ischemia for 30min resulted in an increase of AdoHcy levels from 0.7+/-0.05 to 9.1+/-0.6nmol/g wet weight and in a dramatic decrease of the AdoMet/AdoHcy ratio and energy charge from 65.1+/-5.6 to 2.8+/-0.2 and from 0.87+/-0.01 to 0.25+/-0.01, respectively [4].

High impact information on Mat1a


Chemical compound and disease context of Mat1a


Biological context of Mat1a


Anatomical context of Mat1a


Associations of Mat1a with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Mat1a


Enzymatic interactions of Mat1a


Regulatory relationships of Mat1a


Other interactions of Mat1a


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mat1a


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