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Gene Review

Act88F  -  Actin 88F

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: Act(88F), Act88-F, Act88f, Actin, Actin, indirect flight muscle, ...
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Disease relevance of Act88F


Psychiatry related information on Act88F


High impact information on Act88F

  • However, DmIKK epsilon-mediated degradation of DIAP1 does not regulate apoptosis as might be predicted but instead regulates actin dynamics, cell morphology, and the differentiation of sensory organ precursor cells [7].
  • Here, we use a new RNA anchoring assay in living Drosophila blastoderm embryos to show that apical anchoring of mRNA after completion of dynein transport does not depend on actin or on continuous active transport by the motor [8].
  • Arthrin reacts with an anti-ubiquitin antibody, which demonstrates that its extra mass results from ubiquitin ligation [9].
  • Utilizing the germ-line transformation technique we demonstrate that one genetic lesion associated with the raised phenotype resides within the act88F actin gene, which, as a result, fails to specify normal mRNA accumulation during thoracic muscle differentiation [10].
  • We also provide evidence for a distinct second genetic lesion, which apparently eliminates proper posttranslational modification of two myofibrillar proteins, one of which is actin [10].

Biological context of Act88F


Anatomical context of Act88F


Associations of Act88F with chemical compounds

  • Whereas the gene products of various C-terminal mutants of Act88F translated in vitro (E334K, V339I, E364K, G368E, R372H) were substrates for ADP-ribosylation by C. botulinum C2 toxin and by C. perfringens iota toxin, neither toxin modified the N-terminal O-12 deletion mutant [2].
  • Actin from the R177Q mutant of Act88F translated in vivo was not ADP-ribosylated confirming Arg-177 as the ADP-ribose acceptor [2].
  • A single G greater than A transition converts a tryptophan (TGG) codon to an opal (TGA) terminator, thus deleting the carboxy-terminal 20 amino acids of an actin isoform that accumulates only in thoracic flight muscles [18].
  • However, the NH2-terminal 12 residues show similarity to the NH2-terminal sequence of actin, a region that interacts with myosin [19].
  • Myosin VIIa moves along actin filaments as a processive, double-headed single molecule when dimerized by the inclusion of a leucine zipper at the C terminus of the coiled-coil domain [20].

Physical interactions of Act88F

  • The second site suppression is due to a leucine to phenylalanine change within a heptameric leucine string motif adjacent to the actin binding domain of TnI [21].
  • In the absence of Ca2+, tropomyosin was in a position that blocked the myosin-binding sites on actin, as previously found with wild-type filaments [22].
  • As a result, myosin VIIB will be predominantly strongly bound to actin during steady-state ATP hydrolysis (its duty ratio will be at least 80%) [23].
  • Zygotic activity of the nullo locus is required to stabilize the actin-myosin network during cellularization in Drosophila [24].

Regulatory relationships of Act88F

  • In addition, we identified previously uncharacterized proteins with putative actin-interaction domains that are up-regulated in Mhc mutants and differentially expressed in muscles [3].
  • DRhoGEF2 regulates actin organization and contractility in the Drosophila blastoderm embryo [25].

Other interactions of Act88F

  • Drosophila projectin is an extremely large protein found within the muscle sarcomeric unit, parallel with the actin and myosin filaments [26].
  • Flight muscle contraction is regulated by both stretch and Ca(2+)-induced thin filament (actin + tropomyosin + troponin complex) activation [27].
  • The human (beta)-cytoplasmic actin differs by only 15 amino acids from Act88F actin which is the only actin expressed in the indirect flight muscle (IFM) of Drosophila melanogaster [28].
  • These features suggest a role for flightin in the regulation of contraction, possibly by modulating actin-myosin interaction [19].
  • Drosophila genomic DNAs containing a chromosomal locus 87C1 70,000-dalton heat shock protein gene, the locus 79B actin gene, and the 88F actin gene have been used as templates in an in vitro HeLa transcription system [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Act88F


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  5. Functional consequences of a mutation in an expressed human alpha-cardiac actin at a site implicated in familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Bookwalter, C.S., Trybus, K.M. J. Biol. Chem. (2006) [Pubmed]
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