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Disease relevance of Keratosis


Psychiatry related information on Keratosis


High impact information on Keratosis


Chemical compound and disease context of Keratosis


Biological context of Keratosis


Anatomical context of Keratosis

  • Keratinocytes of actinic keratoses also showed a strong hsRPB7 expression that however did not strictly spare the basal cell layer presumably reflecting the disturbed intraepidermal stratification because of the premalignant status of these precancerous lesions [22].
  • Increased levels of arachidonic acid in RBC membranes were associated with increased risk of SCC [odds ratio (OR), 1.08 per mg/100 mL change; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.02-1.15] and this association remained when controls with actinic keratosis precursor lesions were excluded [23].
  • We propose that a classification scheme analogous to that used by gynecologists for evolving carcinoma of the uterine cervix using the terminology "keratinocytic intraepidermal neoplasia" or another term such as "solar keratotic intraepidermal SCC" be used to define these lesions and that the term actinic (solar) keratosis be eliminated [24].
  • Increased Fas ligand expression by T cells and tumour cells in the progression of actinic keratosis to squamous cell carcinoma [25].
  • The association of raised 6-thioguanine nucleotide concentrations in red blood cells with actinic keratoses and malignant skin tumours in these patients supports chemical carcinogenesis as a possible cause [26].

Gene context of Keratosis

  • RESULTS: We observed a significant decrease in expression of one or more ISGF-3 proteins in 76% of patients with actinic keratosis (19 of 25 patients) [27].
  • When overlying actinic keratoses showed p53 staining, the staining did not necessarily correlate with the intensity or even the presence of positive staining in the subjacent BCC [28].
  • Enhanced expression of p16 in seborrhoeic keratosis; a lesion of accumulated senescent epidermal cells in G1 arrest [29].
  • COX-2 expression was also increased in human actinic keratoses, SCC and BCC as well as in murine SCC and BCC [30].
  • Senile keratosis, Bowen's disease and seborrhoeic keratosis showed the predominance of the CEA-related antigens over CEA weakly expressed [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Keratosis


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