MeSH Review:
van der Woude,
van Croonenborg,
van der Woude,
- Efficacy of dorsal longitudinal myelotomy in treating spinal spasticity: a review of 20 cases. Putty, T.K., Shapiro, S.A. J. Neurosurg. (1991)
- Wheelchair propulsion biomechanics: implications for wheelchair sports. Vanlandewijck, Y., Theisen, D., Daly, D. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) (2001)
- Energy cost of propulsion in standard and ultralight wheelchairs in people with spinal cord injuries. Beekman, C.E., Miller-Porter, L., Schoneberger, M. Physical therapy. (1999)
- Diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of falls in elderly residents of a long-term care facility. Maurer, M.S., Burcham, J., Cheng, H. J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. (2005)
- Manual wheelchair pushrim dynamics in people with multiple sclerosis. Fay, B.T., Boninger, M.L., Fitzgerald, S.G., Souza, A.L., Cooper, R.A., Koontz, A.M. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. (2004)
- Randomized, double-blind six-month trial of prednisone in Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. Mendell, J.R., Moxley, R.T., Griggs, R.C., Brooke, M.H., Fenichel, G.M., Miller, J.P., King, W., Signore, L., Pandya, S., Florence, J. N. Engl. J. Med. (1989)
- Gene deletions in X-linked muscular dystrophy. Lindlöf, M., Kiuru, A., Kääriäinen, H., Kalimo, H., Lang, H., Pihko, H., Rapola, J., Somer, H., Somer, M., Savontaus, M.L. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1989)
- The natural history of degenerative ataxia: a retrospective study in 466 patients. Klockgether, T., Lüdtke, R., Kramer, B., Abele, M., Bürk, K., Schöls, L., Riess, O., Laccone, F., Boesch, S., Lopes-Cendes, I., Brice, A., Inzelberg, R., Zilber, N., Dichgans, J. Brain (1998)
- Pisa syndrome in a patient in a wheelchair taking valproic acid. Yohanan, M., Aulakh, J.S., Weith, J., Hawkins, J.W. The American journal of psychiatry. (2006)
- Pressure ulcer prophylaxis in elderly patients using polyurethane foam or Jay wheelchair cushions. Conine, T.A., Hershler, C., Daechsel, D., Peel, C., Pearson, A. International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift für Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de réadaptation. (1994)
- Prophylaxis of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients with acute traumatic spinal cord lesions. Casas, E.R., Sánchez, M.P., Arias, C.R., Masip, J.P. Paraplegia. (1977)
- Physical performance and cardiovascular and metabolic adaptation of elite female wheelchair basketball players in wheelchair ergometry and in competition. Schmid, A., Huonker, M., Stober, P., Barturen, J.M., Schmidt-Trucksäss, A., Dürr, H., Völpel, H.J., Keul, J. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists. (1998)
- Aerobic power during maximal exercise in untrained and well-trained persons with quadriplegia and paraplegia. Eriksson, P., Löfström, L., Ekblom, B. Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. (1988)
- Gentamicin administration in Duchenne patients with premature stop codon. Preliminary results. Politano, L., Nigro, G., Nigro, V., Piluso, G., Papparella, S., Paciello, O., Comi, L.I. Acta myologica : myopathies and cardiomyopathies : official journal of the Mediterranean Society of Myology / edited by the Gaetano Conte Academy for the study of striated muscle diseases. (2003)
- Aerobic capacity and anaerobic threshold of wheelchair basketball players. Rotstein, A., Sagiv, M., Ben-Sira, D., Werber, G., Hutzler, J., Annenburg, H. Paraplegia. (1994)
- Postanoxic generalized dystonia improved by bilateral Voa thalamic deep brain stimulation. Ghika, J., Villemure, J.G., Miklossy, J., Temperli, P., Pralong, E., Christen-Zaech, S., Pollo, C., Maeder, P., Bogousslavsky, J., Vingerhoets, F. Neurology (2002)
- Isometric strength, sprint power, and aerobic power in individuals with a spinal cord injury. Janssen, T.W., van Oers, C.A., Hollander, A.P., Veeger, H.E., van der Woude, L.H. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. (1993)
- Mechanical energy and power flow of the upper extremity in manual wheelchair propulsion. Guo, L.Y., Su, F.C., Wu, H.W., An, K.N. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) (2003)
- Short-term attenuation of natural killer cell cytotoxic activity in wheelchair marathoners with paraplegia. Furusawa, K., Tajima, F., Tanaka, Y., Ide, M., Ogata, H. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. (1998)
- Wrist motion in handrim wheelchair propulsion. Veeger, H.E., Meershoek, L.S., van der Woude, L.H., Langenhoff, J.M. Journal of rehabilitation research and development. (1998)
- Effects of prolonged exercise in highly trained traumatic paraplegic men. Gass, G.C., Camp, E.M. J. Appl. Physiol. (1987)
- Sports medical experiences from the International Flower Marathon for disabled wheelers. Hoeberigs, J.H., Debets-Eggen, H.B., Debets, P.M. The American journal of sports medicine. (1990)
- The effects of prolonged exercise on spinally injured subjects. Gass, G.C., Camp, E.M., Davis, H.A., Eager, D., Grout, L. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. (1981)
- Discus throwing performances and medical classification of wheelchair athletes. Chow, J.W., Mindock, L.A. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. (1999)
- Disease steps in multiple sclerosis: a simple approach to evaluate disease progression. Hohol, M.J., Orav, E.J., Weiner, H.L. Neurology (1995)
- Carpal tunnel syndrome in paraplegic patients. Gellman, H., Chandler, D.R., Petrasek, J., Sie, I., Adkins, R., Waters, R.L. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. (1988)
- Perception of prognostic risk in patients with multiple sclerosis: the relationship with anxiety, depression, and disease-related distress. Janssens, A.C., van Doorn, P.A., de Boer, J.B., van der Meché, F.G., Passchier, J., Hintzen, R.Q. Journal of clinical epidemiology. (2004)
- Adjacent segment disease: an uncommon complication after cervical expansile laminoplasty: case report. Wang, M.Y., Green, B.A., Vitarbo, E., Levi, A.D. Neurosurgery (2003)
- Physical work capacity after 7 wk of wheelchair training: effect of intensity in able-bodied subjects. van der Woude, L.H., van Croonenborg, J.J., Wolff, I., Dallmeijer, A.J., Hollander, A.P. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. (1999)
- Cortisol and testosterone concentrations in wheelchair athletes during submaximal wheelchair ergometry. Castellani, J.W., Armstrong, L.E., Kenefick, R.W., Pasqualicchio, A.A., Riebe, D., Gabaree, C.L., Maresh, C.M. European journal of applied physiology. (2001)
- Physiological characteristics of trained Australian paraplegic and tetraplegic subjects. Gass, G.C., Camp, E.M. Medicine and science in sports. (1979)