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Disease relevance of Wheelchairs


High impact information on Wheelchairs

  • However, the prednisone-treated patients who had required long-leg braces (n = 5) or wheelchairs (n = 11) continued to require them [6].
  • Using a wheelchair age of 12 years to distinguish between DMD and BMD, we found that the proportions of patients with deletions were similar [7].
  • Female gender increased the risk of becoming dependent on walking aids or a wheelchair, but it did not influence survival in FRDA, SCA3 and MSA [8].
  • In FRDA, the time until confinement to wheelchair was shorter in patients with earlier disease onset, suggesting that patients with long GAA repeats and early disease onset have a poor prognosis [8].
  • Pisa syndrome in a patient in a wheelchair taking valproic acid [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Wheelchairs

  • Pressure ulcer prophylaxis in elderly patients using polyurethane foam or Jay wheelchair cushions [10].
  • Twenty-one patients with acute traumatic spinal cord lesions, who were admitted to our spinal unit during 1974, have been treated with calcium heparin, using a dosage of 5000-7500 i.u. at 12-hourly intervals from the first days after the lesion until the use of a wheelchair, as a prophylactic measure in order to prevent venous thromboembolism [11].

Biological context of Wheelchairs


Anatomical context of Wheelchairs

  • A patient with severe postanoxic dystonia and bilateral necrosis of the basal ganglia, who was confined to a wheelchair, underwent bilateral ventralis oralis anterior deep brain stimulation (Voa-DBS) after 6 weeks of unsuccessful bilateral pallidal DBS (GPi-DBS) [16].
  • This study investigated in rather specific wheelchair tests the relationships among estimates of isometric upper-body strength (Fiso), sprint power (P30), aerobic power (VO2peak), and maximal power output (POaer) in a group of 44 men (age 34 +/- 12 yr) with longstanding spinal cord injuries ranging from C4/C5 to L5 [17].
  • Three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic data of the upper extremity were collected during wheelchair propulsion using a Hi-Res Expert Vision system and an instrumented wheel, respectively [18].
  • Conclusion: These findings suggest that racing a marathon suppressed peripheral NK cell number as well as NK cell cytotoxic activity in wheelchair athletes and that this was probably mediated by increased postrace cortisol levels [19].
  • One of the possible causes of CTS in this population is the movement pattern of the wrist during handrim wheelchair propulsion, which could include large wrist joint angles and wrist/finger flexor activity [20].

Associations of Wheelchairs with chemical compounds

  • During prolonged exercise there were no significant changes in VO2, VCO2, VE, R, net efficiency, wheelchair strike rate, and lactate, glucose, and Na+ concentrations [21].
  • Using a continuous monitoring system, we studied participants of a yearly wheelchair event lasting 1 week (International Flower Marathon) [22].
  • Significant changes occurred in venous lactate and plasma glucose concentrations during prolonged wheelchair exercise [23].
  • Six endurance-trained subjects with spinal cord lesions from T10 to T12/L3 underwent a maximal incremental exercise test in which they propelled their own track wheelchairs on a motor-driven treadmill to exhaustion to determine maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) and related variables [21].
  • Discus throwing performances and medical classification of wheelchair athletes [24].

Gene context of Wheelchairs

  • The Disease Steps scale consists of 0 = Normal; 1 = Mild disability, mild symptoms or signs; 2 = Moderate disability, visible abnormality of gait; 3 = Early cane, intermittent use of cane; 4 = Late cane, cane-dependent; 5 = Bilateral support; 6 = Confined to wheelchair; and U = Unclassifiable [25].
  • The pressure that develops in the carpal canal during this forced extension of the wrist, probably combined with the repetitive trauma to the volar aspect of the extended wrist while propelling a wheelchair, contributes to the high frequency with which carpal tunnel syndrome is found in paraplegic patients [26].
  • CONCLUSION: Perceptions of the short-term risk and seriousness of wheelchair dependence were significantly related to anxiety, depression, and disease-related distress in patients with MS [27].
  • Improvements in gait were followed 2 years later by symptomatic disc degeneration and spinal cord compression at T1-T2, which rendered him wheelchair bound [28].
  • Although training at 70% intensity was more effective than the 50% intensity, training at 50% HRR may initially be more appropriate in untrained individuals, such as novice wheelchair users at the start of their rehabilitation, to prevent fatigue and enhance motivation [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Wheelchairs


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