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Gene Review

GAA  -  glucosidase, alpha; acid

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Acid maltase, Aglucosidase alfa, Lysosomal alpha-glucosidase
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Disease relevance of GAA


Psychiatry related information on GAA


High impact information on GAA


Chemical compound and disease context of GAA


Biological context of GAA


Anatomical context of GAA

  • Previously, we have isolated and sequenced the cDNA for GAA and transiently expressed the cDNA in deficient fibroblasts [17].
  • Glycogen storage disease type II (GSD II), Pompe's disease, is caused by the deficiency of acid alpha-D-glucosidase (GAA) in lysosome and is the most common form of GSD in Taiwan. Most cases are the infantile form [18].
  • Using anti-GAA monoclonal antibody, GAA was demonstrated on the regenerated myocytes by immunohistochemical staining and absent on the contralateral muscle of the same birds [18].
  • Nevertheless, T lymphocytes infiltration was noted in both the rcAAV-GAA and hepes (medium) injected muscles and more prominent in the rcAAV-GAA-injected site [18].
  • GAA -/- mice were treated with the rhGAA at 1 mg/kg, which resulted in heterozygous levels of GAA in tissues, most notably skeletal muscle, heart and diaphragm after two infusions [19].

Associations of GAA with chemical compounds

  • GAA is synthesized as a 110-kDa precursor containing N-linked carbohydrates modified with mannose 6-phosphate groups [20].
  • Genomic DNA clones of human acid alpha glucosidase (GAA) and thymidine kinase (TK1) were used to map the exact location and order of these genes on human chromosome 17 [21].
  • We cultured the recombinant cells in media with progressively increasing concentrations of methotrexate and found that human GAA enzyme activity increased to over 2,000 IU per gram protein [19].
  • This finding confirms the exclusion of GAA from 17q25----17qter reported by Nickel et al [22].
  • Besides an increase of GAA and a decrease of CT and CTN in plasma, 24-h urine, brain and muscle of KO mice, we observed a significant increase of other GCs in brain and muscle that was sometimes reflected in plasma and/or urine [23].

Enzymatic interactions of GAA

  • Acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA) hydrolyzes alpha-1, 4 and alpha-1, 6 glucosidic linkages of oligosaccharides and degrades glycogen in the lysosomes [24].

Regulatory relationships of GAA


Other interactions of GAA

  • Previously, we identified an intronic repressor element in the GAA gene and demonstrated that Hes-1, a basic helix-loop-helix factor, binds to a C class E box within the element and functions as a transcriptional repressor in HepG2 cells [1].
  • We now show that the osteosarcoma cell lines have lost one TP53 allele and contain a mutation in exon 8 codon 286 [GAA to AAA (Glu to Lys)] in the remaining allele [28].
  • We showed that the patient and his father shared a variant TF gene bearing a GAA to AAA transition at codon 394 [29].
  • Both MLL and hCDCrel contained homologous CT, TTTGTG, and GAA sequences within a few base pairs of their respective breakpoints, which may have been important in uniting these two genes by translocation [30].
  • To study LOH at the MLL locus, we have identified two new polymorphic microsatellite markers: a GAA repeat (mllGAAn) in intron 6 of the MLL gene and a GA (mllGAn) repeat in the 5' flanking region of the gene, approximately 2 kb upstream of the translation initiation codon [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of GAA

  • NcoI and StyI digestion of cDNA, amplified by PCR from reverse-transcribed RNA, demonstrated that greater than 95% of the GAA mRNA in GM 244 was derived from the allele carrying the missense mutation [32].
  • By sequence analysis we have identified the mutations in the lysosomal alpha-glucosidase gene (GAA) of two unrelated patients, who have one and two copies, respectively, of the same missense mutation [33].
  • Using acid maltase deficient (AMD) Japanese quail as the animal model, rcAAV-GAA 0.1 ml per site (1 x 10(9)-10) particles), totally 10 different sites to make 1 ml (1 x 10(1)0-11) particles), was injected into unilateral deep pectoral muscle of AMD quails [18].
  • Localization and ordering of acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA) and thymidine kinase (TK1) by fluorescence in situ hybridization [21].
  • METHODS: Retrospective study of 52 FA patients (mean age 26.9+/-12.1 years; mean disease duration 10.6+/-7.6 years) homozygous for GAA expansion [34].


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