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Disease relevance of Walking


Psychiatry related information on Walking

  • Observations on the performance of the same animals in an open-field situation revealed that ambulation was affected in experiments with tetrachlorethylene immediately after exposure while preening pattern was changed after exposure to dichlormethane [6].
  • This study was undertaken to investigate changes in ambulatory and drinking behavior, using the Gunma University-type special apparatus for continuous and direct measurement of ambulation and drinking in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (STZ, 60 mg/kg) [7].
  • Pain, however, appears to be more strongly associated with Physical Activity in the OA sample, suggesting that pain as a measured symptom of OA is closely related to ambulation, while pain as a symptom of RA may be more a manifestation of joint involvement and less dependent upon walking and climbing [8].
  • Patients who achieved independent ambulation were significantly younger (P<.05), had better gait scores on admission (P<.05), and tended to be less severely injured-based on duration of posttraumatic amnesia (PTA; P=.058)-than those who did not ambulate independently [9].
  • Fracture rate was significantly greater in residents with: epilepsy, older age, male gender, white race, independent ambulation, osteoporosis, and residence in intermediate care (versus skilled nursing) units; it was not affected by severity of mental retardation [10].

High impact information on Walking

  • Larger GAA expansions correlated with earlier age at onset and shorter times to loss of ambulation [11].
  • In a parallel series, beta-adrenergic-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity was also reduced with postural change from 4.6 +/- 1.1 to 2.4 +/- 0.6 pmol [32P]cAMP/min per mg protein (P less than 0.05) after ambulation [12].
  • The viable mice display increased anxiety, poor motor learning, excessive ambulation that is eliminated by very low levels of nicotine, and a reduction of nigrostriatal dopaminergic function upon aging [13].
  • At 5 mug/kg per min, saralasin produced a change in mean blood pressure which correlated significantly (r=-0.54, P less than 0.001) with the stimulated plasma renin activity (PRA) (after intravenous furosemide and ambulation for 2 hours [14].
  • Similarly, 4 hours of ambulation produced only a small increase in serum DBH activity which did not correlate with plasma renin activity [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Walking

  • Epidural analgesia with local anesthetics administered alone or in combination with fentanyl effectively and safely treats the pain of sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis unresponsive to conventional pain management and does so without causing sedation, respiratory depression, or significant limitation on ambulation [16].
  • These data show that an acute stimulation with furosemide and ambulation affects mainly the active form of plasma renin, and the effect of age on inactive plasma renin in normal subjects may be different from that in patients with essential hypertension [17].
  • Carbaryl 50 mg/kg decreased the frequency of ambulation in the open-field arena within 30 min while it enhanced the duration of haloperidol-induced catalepsy in both young and mature rats [18].
  • The influence of ambulation time on the incidence of transient neurologic symptoms after lidocaine spinal anesthesia [19].
  • The central depressant effects of ceruletide (CER, 0.04 mg/kg s.c.) and cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8, 0.25 mg/kg s.c.) were compared with those of clonidine (0.04 mg/kg s.c.). At doses that were nearly equipotent with respect to motor inhibition (catalepsy, reduction in ambulation and exploratory rearing), only the peptides produced ptosis [20].

Biological context of Walking

  • OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional abilities and the level of ambulation during pamidronate therapy in children with moderate to severe osteogenesis imperfecta [21].
  • Levels of NfH phosphoforms, the degree of phosphorylation (NfH(SMI34):NfH(SMI35) ratio), and changes in NfH levels between baseline and follow up (Delta NfH) were related to the clinical phenotype (RR or SP/PP), to three clinical scales (Kurtzke's EDSS, ambulation index (AI), and nine hole peg test (9HPT)), and to progression of disability [22].
  • In the untreated OB rats, an increase in ambulation, rearing, grooming, and defecation scores was found in the novel stressful environment of an "open field." Following 7 days of NPY administration, these behaviors were largely attenuated [23].
  • Intra-Acb core amylin infusions in water-deprived rats also decreased ambulation and water intake, although anterior Acb placements were associated with smaller motor effects, regardless of Acb subregion [24].
  • Also 24 hr after ethanol, among rats kept in normal cages, there was an increase in body temperature and vocalization and a decrease in ambulation in a dark, quiet open field [25].

Anatomical context of Walking


Associations of Walking with chemical compounds

  • Plasma renin activity, arterial and venous angiotensin II (A II) concentrations, and plasma aldosterone concentration were measured in 16 normal subjects (mean age = 34 years) after 8 hours of recumbency, following 2 hours of ambulation, and again 30 minutes after administration of furosemide intravenously [31].
  • A randomized study detected higher ambulation rates in patients with MSCC who received high-dose dexamethasone before radiotherapy (RT) compared with patients who did not receive corticosteroids before RT (81% v 63% at 3 months, respectively; P = .046) [32].
  • Use of metoclopramide was associated with impairment in ambulation and increased use of benzodiazepines [33].
  • Renin status was categorized by (1) the intravenous furosemide test, (2) ambulation during placebo, and (3) ambulation during spironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide treatment [34].
  • Prior to receiving amiloride all were studied for renin and aldosterone responses while supine and after 2 hr ambulation [35].

Gene context of Walking

  • Using CRFR1 null mutant mice, the present study examined the functional significance of this receptor in ambulation and feeding [36].
  • None of the tachykinin receptor agonists or antagonists modified motor performance and coordination on the rotarod apparatus or ambulation in an activity cage [37].
  • Although deflazacort treatment can attenuate DMD progression, extend ambulation, and maintain muscle strength, the mechanism of its action remains unknown [38].
  • IL-6(-/-) mice showed lower levels of ambulation in the holeboard, and lower levels of exploration of the open arms of the plus-maze, than the wild-type F2 C57BL/6J x 129/SvJ mice [39].
  • The profile of global efficacy for the centrally administered CRF receptor agonist was characterized by low dose (0.5-1.0 microg) arousal-like effects in locomotor and conditioned ambulation contexts and by high dose (5-25 microg) conditioned immobility, taste aversion and place aversion [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Walking

  • The aim of this study was to use the Balance Master 6.1, a device capable of real-time analysis of ambulation, to score the performance of basic maneuvers following initiation of low-dose combined spinal-epidural analgesia in laboring women compared with pregnant and nonpregnant controls [41].
  • Healthy men with a daily intake of 0.37 mg fluoride were given dichloromethylene diphosphonate (Cl2MDP) or a placebo during a period of ambulation followed by bed rest [42].
  • For non-major (superficial) surgical procedures, the times to awakening, responsiveness, orientation, and ambulation were significantly shorter in the propofol group (4 +/- 3, 5 +/- 4, 6 +/- 4, and 104 +/- 36 min) than in the control group (8 +/- 7, 9 +/- 7, 11 +/- 9, and 142 +/- 61 min, respectively) [43].
  • Similarly, saline versus bupivacaine infiltration did not influence ambulation time (21.3 +/- 2.7 versus 25.0 +/- 11.8 hours, respectively), length of hospitalization (7.06 +/- 0.8 versus 7.11 +/- 0.6 days, respectively), return to normal activity (14.4 +/- 8.8 versus 14.2 +/- 8.2 days, respectively) or patient satisfaction [44].
  • There was a statistically significant shorter wake-up time, time in postanesthesia recovery, time in ambulatory surgery unit, time to first verbal command, time to first oral intake, time to ambulation, and time to return to normal activity in the acetaminophen group (P < 0.05) [45].


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