MeSH Review:
- H-reflex recovery curve and reciprocal inhibition of H-reflex in different kinds of dystonia. Panizza, M., Lelli, S., Nilsson, J., Hallett, M. Neurology (1990)
- Reciprocal inhibition between forearm muscles in spastic hemiplegia. Artieda, J., Quesada, P., Obeso, J.A. Neurology (1991)
- From spinal shock to spasticity: neuronal adaptations to a spinal cord injury. Hiersemenzel, L.P., Curt, A., Dietz, V. Neurology (2000)
- Effect of spinal cord injury severity on alterations of the H-reflex. Lee, J.K., Emch, G.S., Johnson, C.S., Wrathall, J.R. Exp. Neurol. (2005)
- Effect of 5-hydroxytryptophan on H-reflex recovery curves in normal subjects and patients with affective disorders. Metz, J.T., Holcomb, H.H., Meltzer, H.Y. Biol. Psychiatry (1988)
- Evidence favouring presynaptic inhibition between antagonist muscle afferents in the human forearm. Berardelli, A., Day, B.L., Marsden, C.D., Rothwell, J.C. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1987)
- Changes in spinal excitability during choice reaction time: the H reflex as a probe of information transmission. Hasbroucq, T., Akamatsu, M., Burle, B., Bonnet, M., Possamaï, C.A. Psychophysiology. (2000)
- Periodic leg movements of sleep (nocturnal myoclonus): an electrophysiological study. Wechsler, L.R., Stakes, J.W., Shahani, B.T., Busis, N.A. Ann. Neurol. (1986)
- Involvement of spinal recurrent inhibition in spasticity. Further insight into the regulation of Renshaw cell activity. Mazzocchio, R., Rossi, A. Brain (1997)
- Soleus H-reflex tests in causalgia-dystonia compared with dystonia and mimicked dystonic posture. Koelman, J.H., Hilgevoord, A.A., Bour, L.J., Speelman, J.D., Ongerboer de Visser, B.W. Neurology (1999)
- Dopa-responsive dystonia and normalization of soleus H-reflex test results with treatment. Koelman, J.H., Speelman, J.D., Hilgevoord, A.A., Bour, L.J., Ongerboer de Visser, B.W. Neurology (1995)
- Effects of intrathecal baclofen on lumbosacral and cortical somatosensory evoked potentials. Kofler, M., Donovan, W.H., Loubser, P.G., Berić, A. Neurology (1992)
- Conditioning of the H reflex by stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve in Parkinson's disease. Martinelli, P., Montagna, P. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (1979)
- Intrathecal fentanyl depresses nociceptive flexion reflexes in patients with chronic pain. Chabal, C., Jacobson, L., Little, J. Anesthesiology (1989)
- Nitrous oxide depresses the H-reflex in children with cerebral palsy. Soriano, S.G., Logigian, E.L., Scott, R.M., Prahl, P.A., Madsen, J.R. Anesth. Analg. (1995)
- Electrophysiological assessment of the effect of intrathecal baclofen in spastic children. Dachy, B., Dan, B. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. (2002)
- Pre-synaptic modulation of quadriceps arthrogenic muscle inhibition. Palmieri, R.M., Weltman, A., Edwards, J.E., Tom, J.A., Saliba, E.N., Mistry, D.J., Ingersoll, C.D. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. (2005)
- Effects of intrathecal fentanyl and lidocaine on somatosensory-evoked potentials, the H-reflex, and clinical responses. Chabal, C., Jacobson, L., Little, J. Anesth. Analg. (1988)
- Surface recording of the H-reflex of the flexor carpi radialis. Jabre, J.F. Muscle Nerve (1981)
- Trial-to-trial fluctuations in H-reflexes and motor evoked potentials in human wrist flexor. Funase, K., Miles, T.S., Gooden, B.R. Neurosci. Lett. (1999)
- Methodological implications of the post activation depression of the soleus H-reflex in man. Crone, C., Nielsen, J. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale. (1989)
- GAA trinucleotide repeat expansion in variant Friedreich's ataxia families. Cruz-Martínez, A., Anciones, B., Palau, F. Muscle Nerve (1997)
- Involuntary movements and abnormal spontaneous EMG activity in syringomyelia and syringobulbia. Nogués, M.A., Leiguarda, R.C., Rivero, A.D., Salvat, F., Manes, F. Neurology (1999)
- H-reflex in nonhomonymous muscles in the human forearm. Panizza, M., Lelli, S., Hallett, M. Neurology (1989)
- Reciprocal inhibition between the muscles of the human forearm. Day, B.L., Marsden, C.D., Obeso, J.A., Rothwell, J.C. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1984)
- Modulation of spinal excitability during observation of hand actions in humans. Baldissera, F., Cavallari, P., Craighero, L., Fadiga, L. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2001)
- Effect of intrathecal baclofen on the monosynaptic reflex in humans: evidence for a postsynaptic action. Azouvi, P., Roby-Brami, A., Biraben, A., Thiebaut, J.B., Thurel, C., Bussel, B. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. (1993)
- Effects of tobacco smoking on the Hoffmann reflex. Kadoya, C., Matsuoka, S., Domino, E.F. Neuropsychopharmacology (1993)
- Changes in recurrent inhibition during voluntary soleus contractions in man studied by an H-reflex technique. Hultborn, H., Pierrot-Deseilligny, E. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1979)
- Absence of viscerosomatic inhibition with injections of lobeline designed to activate human pulmonary C fibres. Gandevia, S.C., Butler, J.E., Taylor, J.L., Crawford, M.R. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (1998)
- Evaluation of the neurotoxicity of water-soluble myelographic contrast agents by electrophysiological monitors. Allen, W.E., VanGilder, J.C., Collins, W.F. Radiology. (1976)
- Effects of propofol on H-reflex in humans. Kerz, T., Hennes, H.J., Fève, A., Decq, P., Filipetti, P., Duvaldestin, P. Anesthesiology (2001)
- Central motor conduction to upper and lower limbs after magnetic stimulation of the brain and peripheral nerve abnormalities in 20 patients with Friedreich's ataxia. Cruz Martínez, A., Anciones, B. Acta neurologica Scandinavica. (1992)
- Soleus H-reflex gain in humans walking and running under simulated reduced gravity. Ferris, D.P., Aagaard, P., Simonsen, E.B., Farley, C.T., Dyhre-Poulsen, P. J. Physiol. (Lond.) (2001)
- Effects of sleep on spinal nociceptive reflexes in humans. Sandrini, G., Milanov, I., Rossi, B., Murri, L., Alfonsi, E., Moglia, A., Nappi, G. Sleep. (2001)
- Inhibition of canine H reflexes during locomotor-like rotation about the knee arises from muscle mechanoreceptors in quadriceps. Misiaszek, J.E., Barclay, J.K., Brooke, J.D. J. Neurophysiol. (1995)
- The evidence for nitric oxide synthase immunopositivity in the monosynaptic Ia-motoneuron pathway of the dog. Marsala, J., Lukácová, N., Sulla, I., Wohlfahrt, P., Marsala, M. Exp. Neurol. (2005)
- Pentamidine, an inhibitor of spinal flexor reflexes in rats, is a potent N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist in vivo. Block, F., Schmitt, T., Schwarz, M. Neurosci. Lett. (1993)
- F response and H reflex for monitoring nerve block during epidural analgesia with ropivacaine. Zaric, D., Larsson, P., Axelsson, K., Nydahl, P.A., Philipson, L., Leissner, P. Anesth. Analg. (1994)
- H-reflex latency and nerve root tension sign correlation in fluoroscopically guided, contrast-confirmed, translaminar lumbar epidural steroid-bupivacaine injections. Stretanski, M.F. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. (2004)
- Cervical root compression monitoring by flexor carpi radialis H-reflex in healthy subjects. Sabbahi, M., Abdulwahab, S. Spine. (1999)