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Disease relevance of Biometry


High impact information on Biometry

  • Similar information was taken from matched control subjects and the Pike and Smith (Biometrics 30:263-279, 1974) case control technique for evaluating clustering of patients in time and space was applied [6].
  • Clinical biostatistics. LV. The t test and the basic ethos of parametric statistical inference (Part I) [7].
  • Examination included standard biometry, blood pressure measurement, 12-lead (centrally Minnesota coded) electrocardiography, and central laboratory measurement of serum cholesterol and creatine [8].
  • Clinical biostatistics. XXXVI. the persistent biometric problems of the UGDP study [9].
  • PURPOSE: To determine the relationship of nearwork and myopia in young elementary school-age children in Singapore. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 1005 school children aged 7 to 9 years was conducted in two schools in Singapore. Cycloplegic autorefraction, keratometry, and biometry measurements were performed [10].

Biological context of Biometry


Anatomical context of Biometry


Associations of Biometry with chemical compounds

  • Issues in biometrics: offset potentials and the electrical stability of Ag/AgCl electrodes [16].
  • Milton Packer, MD, Director, Center for Biostatistics and Clinical Science at UT Southwestern [17].
  • However, the technical ease of the technique makes the explantation and replacement of IOGEL lenses by a bag-fixated PMMA IOL a valid option to correct an erroneous biometry [18].
  • Cutaneous biometrics I. The response of human skin to dimethyl sulphoxide [19].
  • Volumes 2-6 of Statistics in Medicine and Volumes 29-33 of Biometrics, for the years 1983-87, were followed up for statistical/medical source of the citations [20].

Gene context of Biometry

  • METHODS: Ophthalmic examination, biometry, and direct sequencing of KERA [21].
  • IOL power can then be calculated using current biometry formulae (SRK/T) [22].
  • Clinical biostatistics. XLII. The architecture of cross-sectional research (Part I) [23].
  • Further improvement can be achieved by applying PCI to a modified SRK/T formula that predicts the postoperative ACD using PCI biometry data [24].
  • The current work extends work done by Pepe and Fleming (1989, Biometrics 45, 497-507), which considered similar test statistics directed toward independent treatment group comparisons [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Biometry

  • PURPOSE: To audit the accuracy of biometry using the SRK/T formula when negative- or zero-powered intraocular lenses (IOLs) are predicted and to compare the results between A-scan, B-scan, and optical methods of biometry [26].
  • Tutorial in biostatistics. Meta-analysis: formulating, evaluating, combining, and reporting by S-L. Normand, Statistics in Medicine, 18, 321-359 (1999) [27].
  • By exact evaluation, we investigate statistical properties of the score method, the chi-square goodness-of-fit procedure (Donner and Eliasziw, 1992, Statistics in Medicine 11, 1511-1519; Hale and Fleiss, 1993, Biometrics 49, 523-534), and a crude confidence interval for small and medium sample sizes [28].
  • High reliability was given by ultrasonic biometry, by human placental lactogen (HPL) and estriol both in serum, and placental perfusion measurements (113mIn) if they were within the normal range [29].
  • STUDY DESIGN: The investigated group comprised two randomly chosen groups of pregnant women with ultrasound-diagnosed intrauterine growth restriction (biometry < 10th centile for gestation age): 78 patients were treated by L-arginine 3 g daily orally for 20 days; and 30 patients, not treated, acted as the control group [30].


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