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Chemical Compound Review

OcuTropic     N-ethyl-3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-N- (pyridin-4...

Synonyms: Mydral, Mydriafair, Mydrum, Tropicacyl, Mydriaticum, ...
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Disease relevance of Mydriacyl


Psychiatry related information on Mydriacyl


High impact information on Mydriacyl


Chemical compound and disease context of Mydriacyl


Biological context of Mydriacyl


Anatomical context of Mydriacyl


Associations of Mydriacyl with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Mydriacyl

  • The results show that none of the enantiomers is able to significantly discriminate among the receptors studied and therefore do not support the proposal of tropicamide as an M4 (m4) selective agent [31].
  • Pupil dilation to tropicamide is not specific for Alzheimer disease [32].
  • After dilation with tropicamide 1%, lens opacities were graded using the Lens Opacities Classification System (LOCS) III [33].
  • To assess the ability of diabetic patients to drive after pupillary dilatation we studied 61 diabetic patients (18 IDDM, 43 NIDDM), mean age 54.98 years, before and 1 h after pupillary dilatation with 1% tropicamide [34].
  • Four Kodachrome 64 photographs per eye were taken with a Canon CR4 - 45NM camera through tropicamide-dilated pupils; slides were projected and systematically graded [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mydriacyl

  • We administered a topical solution of 1% tropicamide to 30 adults to determine the course of pupillary dilation over time and whether adequate dilation could be attained within a routine clinic visit [36].
  • Pupillary dilation in response to dilute tropicamide eye drops has been proposed as a noninvasive diagnostic test to identify patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) [2].
  • Based on these results, the most effective cutoff point of 0.005% tropicamide for differential diagnosis was 114.5% of the average pupil dilation rate for 60 min [37].
  • In eyes predilated with tropicamide, iris massage caused marked pupillary constriction [38].
  • The effects of pupillary dilation (tropicamide 1%) on automated static threshold perimetry were studied in 18 normal subjects using the Humphrey field analyzer 30-2 and STATPAC programs [39].


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