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Disease relevance of Nevus


Psychiatry related information on Nevus


High impact information on Nevus

  • Keratin 13 point mutation underlies the hereditary mucosal epithelial disorder white sponge nevus [7].
  • A mutation in the mucosal keratin K4 is associated with oral white sponge nevus [8].
  • White sponge nevus (WSN) is a benign autosomal dominant disorder which affects non-cornifying stratified squamous epithelia (MIM 193900) (ref. 1). Phenotypically it presents as white 'spongy' plaques (oral leukokeratoses), most commonly in the mouth but also reported in the esophagus and anogenital mucosa [8].
  • Correction: Hereditary cutaneous malignant melanoma-dysplastic nevus [9].
  • Inheritance of nevus number and size in melanoma and dysplastic nevus syndrome kindreds [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Nevus

  • The Xpa(-/-) mice proved exquisitely sensitive to UV-driven nevus induction, indicating the involvement of pyrimidine dimer DNA lesions, but Xpa(+/+) mice developed many more nevi (>40 per mouse) at high UV dosages not tolerated by Xpa(-/-) mice [11].
  • Immunoelectron microscopic studies demonstrated that ISF within nevus cells represented the only cytoplasmic C3-binding structures [12].
  • Finally, melanocytes from adults and children expressed similar levels of the same integrins as all nevus cells but showed differences in function of both alpha3 and alpha6 integrin subunits and in migratory/adhesive behaviors, which may suggest different states of melanocyte maturation [13].
  • A glutamine insertion in the 1A alpha helical domain of the keratin 4 gene in a familial case of white sponge nevus [14].
  • The role of androgen receptors in the clinical course of nevus sebaceus of Jadassohn [15].

Biological context of Nevus


Anatomical context of Nevus

  • We show here that normal melanocytes and nevus cells in culture express Mel-CAM/MUC18, but expression is down-regulated when cells are co-cultured with keratinocytes [20].
  • The results suggest that FGF-2 expression by nevus cells allows them to adapt to grow in the dermis [21].
  • Two of these 5 SLNs with capsular nevus also contain MART1- and MelanA-positive cells within the lymph node parenchyma [22].
  • MMP9 was never expressed in congenital dermal nevus cells but pro-MMP2 was constitutively expressed by all strains of congenital nevus cells and dermal fibroblasts [23].
  • In addition to craniosynostosis and radial limb defect, which are constant in this syndrome, our patient presents two unusual features: the first is an epidermal nevus and the second is an agenesis of the middle portion of corpus callosum [24].

Gene context of Nevus

  • The relationships between MC1R gene variants and red hair, skin reflectance, degree of freckling and nevus count were investigated in 2331 adolescent twins, their sibs and parents in 645 twin families [25].
  • Thirty-four of 101 primary and metastatic melanoma cases and 2 of 24 common nevocellular and atypical nevus cases showed SSX nuclear staining [26].
  • To directly test the role of activated BRAF in nevus and melanoma development, we have generated transgenic zebrafish expressing the most common BRAF mutant form (V600E) under the control of the melanocyte mitfa promoter [27].
  • A novel mutation in the keratin 13 gene causing oral white sponge nevus [28].
  • Nevus cells display a reduced need for TPA and are largely independent of bFGF [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nevus


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