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Gene Review

Egfr  -  epidermal growth factor receptor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 9030024J15Rik, AI552599, Epidermal growth factor receptor, Erbb, Errb1, ...
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Disease relevance of Egfr

  • Newborn Egfr-/- mice have facial mediolateral defects including narrow, elongated snouts, underdeveloped lower jaw and a high incidence of cleft palate [1].
  • Treatment with EKI-785 produced a dose-dependent reduction in tumor growth, suggesting that Egfr inhibitors may be useful for advanced colorectal cancer treatment [2].
  • Surprisingly, the size, expansion, and pathological progression of the polyps appear Egfr-independent [2].
  • Transfer of the Apc(Min) allele onto a homozygous Egfr(wa2) background results in a 90% reduction in intestinal polyp number relative to Apc(Min) mice carrying a wild-type Egfr allele [2].
  • Genetic ablation of Egfr similarly delayed epidermal hyperplasia in response to UV exposure [3].

Psychiatry related information on Egfr

  • To study the role of EGF, TGF-alpha and EGFR in early human development, two methods applicable for analysis of expression at the single embryo level have been employed [4].
  • Although the female transgenic mice possessing mutant EGFR developed mammary tumors, the tumors occurred only after a delayed latency period, and were fewer in number [5].
  • Our results also suggest that other uncontrolled genetic or environmental parameters confounded previous experiments linking EGFR activity to daily locomotor activity and provide a cautionary tale for genetically uncontrolled studies [6].

High impact information on Egfr


Chemical compound and disease context of Egfr


Biological context of Egfr

  • In addition, morphogenesis of Meckel's cartilage was deficient in cultured mandibular processes from Egfr-/- embryos [1].
  • The severity of the phenotypes correlates with the expression levels of the hEGFRKI allele, which is not efficiently expressed in epithelial and bone cells, but is expressed at similar and even higher levels as the endogenous Egfr in brain and heart [16].
  • Ductal growth and development was normal in transplants of mammary epithelium from Egfr-/- mice into wild-type (WT) gland-free fat pads and in tissue recombinants prepared with WT stroma, irrespective of the source of epithelium (StromaWT/Epi-/-, StromaWT/EpiWT) [17].
  • The Ikaros gene maps at a syntenic locus located on the short arm of human chromosome 7 and on mouse chromosome 11 next to the epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) [18].
  • Egfr, localized on proximal chromosome 11, is amplified two to three times and leads to an easily identifiable, stable marker chromosome with a large amplification unit, which is present in each metaphase [19].

Anatomical context of Egfr


Associations of Egfr with chemical compounds

  • Inhibition of endogenous Egfr signaling with the Egfr inhibitor gefitinib (Iressa) or replacement of wild-type Egfr with the kinase-deficient protein encoded by the hypomorphic Egfr(wa2) allele completely rescued skin defects in Erffi1(-/-) mice [22].
  • Pharmacological inhibition with EKI-785, an Egfr tyrosine kinase inhibitor, produced similar results in the Apc(Min) model [2].
  • Evidence is provided that phosphorylation and activation of p70(S6K)/p90(RSK) induced by UVA were prevented in Egfr(-/-) cells and were also markedly inhibited by the EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors AG1478 and PD153035 [23].
  • PURPOSE: Therefore, we have studied the role of EGF-R expression on cisplatin-mediated cytotoxicity [24].
  • Additionally, EGFR protein expression was down-regulated in response to estrogen and up-regulated in response to fulvestrant in vitro, suggesting that the EGFR pathway is activated when estrogen is depleted in NSCLC cells [25].

Physical interactions of Egfr


Enzymatic interactions of Egfr


Regulatory relationships of Egfr

  • Moreover, we observe a concordant loss of Pten and EGFR overexpression in nearly all high-grade gliomas induced by either EGFRvIII introduction or Pten inactivation [36].
  • Several EGFR agonists also stimulated Adam17(-/-) mammary organoid growth in culture, but only AREG was expressed abundantly in the developing ductal system in vivo [37].
  • We found that EGF continues to stimulate maximal tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR following internalization, while, as expected, TGFalpha stimulates markedly less [38].
  • Tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE) regulates epidermal growth factor receptor ligand availability [39].
  • With differential ligand-induced internalization and trafficking-restricted receptor variants, we find that calpain activity is triggered only by plasma membrane-restricted activated EGFR, not by internalized (although still active) EGFR [40].

Other interactions of Egfr


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Egfr

  • Because Egfr-/- mice die perinatally, transplantation methods were used to study these processes [17].
  • However, UV exposure increased cell proliferation, as measured by Ki67 immunohistochemistry and proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunoblotting, maximally at 48 h to a level more than three times higher in wild-type compared with Egfr-null skin [45].
  • Apoptotic cell death, as measured by terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Biotin-dUTP Nick End Labeling (TUNEL) analysis, was also increased in UV-exposed Egfr-null skin when compared with wild-type 1-2 days post-UV [45].
  • Expression profiling using microarrays, which was selectively validated and extended by immunophenotyping of Neu*-induced PIN and CAP, led to the identification of some novel biomarkers and also revealed increased expression of Egfr, Erbb3 and phosphorylated androgen receptor [46].
  • RESULTS: Selected clones (MDA-468/AS-EGFR) exhibited more than 90% loss of both 125I-EGF binding and receptor content determined by western blot analysis, whereas clones transfected with the vector alone (MDA-468/p-CAT) had EGF-R levels similar to those of the parent cells [24].


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