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Chemical Compound Review

Sanzivamycin     5-amino-9-[(2R,3R,4S,5R)-3,4- dihydroxy-5...

Synonyms: sangivamycin, CHEMBL101892, SureCN195540, CPD-13052, NSC-65346, ...
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Disease relevance of SKI 27013


High impact information on SKI 27013

  • Sangivamycin at the same concentration that inhibited PKC translocation by 52% completely inhibited PTH-stimulated 1,25(OH)2D3 secretion [6].
  • The underlying mechanisms were studied in functionally intact detached rod outer segments by testing the effect of either sangivamycin, an inhibitor of rhodopsin kinase, or phytic acid, an inhibitor of 48K protein binding to phosphorylated rhodopsin, on light responses recorded in whole-cell voltage clamp [7].
  • Sangivamycin (10 and 50 microM) also reduced PTH-stimulated PKC translocation, but did not alter PKA activity ratio [6].
  • Using a series of inhibitors with known specificities and established rank-orders of potency for different kinases, we determined that the c-myc response to Epo was blocked with the following rank order: staurosporine much greater than H7 greater than sangivamycin greater than H8 [8].
  • The phosphorylation of rhodopsin by protein kinase C is inhibited by the protein kinase C-selective inhibitor sangivamycin [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of SKI 27013


Biological context of SKI 27013

  • Certain oncogene products resemble elements involved in transmembrane signaling, elevate cellular sn-1,2-diacylglycerol second messenger levels, and activate protein kinase C. Sangivamycin was unique among the nucleoside compounds tested in its ability to potently inhibit protein kinase C activity [11].
  • Three lines of evidence suggest that protein kinase-C (PKC) mediates serum-stimulated PES gene expression: 1) 12-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate mimicked the serum response; 2) PES gene expression by serum was attenuated in cells depleted of PKC; and 3) a PKC inhibitor, sangivamycin, blocked serum-stimulated PES gene induction [12].
  • Exposure for 24 hr to toyocamycin caused an exponential type of cell lethality resulting in a 4-log reduction of cell viability, while sangivamycin produced a gradual and self-limiting type of cell lethality resulting in a 1-log reduction of cell viability [13].
  • Ara-sangivamycin, for example, inhibited virus replication 10(5)-fold at a concentration (10 microM) which produced only partial inhibition of cell growth and labeled precursor incorporation [14].
  • Phorbol esters activated PC hydrolysis in both myocytes and adipocytes, but insulin-induced stimulation of PC hydrolysis was not dependent upon activation of PKC, since this hydrolysis was not inhibited by 500 microM sangivamycin, an effective PKC inhibitor [15].

Anatomical context of SKI 27013


Associations of SKI 27013 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of SKI 27013


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SKI 27013

  • The degree of LTP was significantly potentiated by the inclusion of picrotoxin in the perfusion medium but induction was prevented by D-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoate (25 microM), L-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate (125 microM), 5-(isoquinolinyl-sulphonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (50 microM), sangivamycin (25 microM) and thapsigargin (1 microM) [28].
  • Nontoxic concentrations of sangivamycin (10 nM) and staurosporine (1 nM), added to cell cultures from 1 to 7 h before X irradiation, enhanced cell killing by radiation in both cell lines [20].
  • Several of the sangivamycin analogs were tested in animal models using a twice-a-day treatment regimen [29].


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