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Rod Outer Segments

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Disease relevance of Rod Outer Segments


High impact information on Rod Outer Segments


Chemical compound and disease context of Rod Outer Segments


Biological context of Rod Outer Segments


Anatomical context of Rod Outer Segments

  • Light absorption by photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS) leads not only to spectral and structural changes in the rhodopsin molecule but also to the activation of several enzymatic activities including GTPase [16].
  • Retinol isomerase is concentrated in the pigment epithelium; this localization clarifies the role of this tissue in rhodopsin regeneration and explains the need to transfer all-trans retinol from the rod outer segments to the pigment epithelium during the visual cycle [17].
  • Taking advantage of the high and reproducible yield of T gamma from the column, we analyzed the composition of T gamma subspecies in the T alpha-T beta gamma complex which did not bind with transducin-depleted rod outer segment membranes containing metarhodopsin II [18].
  • Rhodopsin-to-metarhodopsin II transition triggers amplified changes in cytosol ATP and ADP in intact retinal rod outer segments [19].
  • Photoexcitation of retinal rod photoreceptor cells involves the activation of cGMP enzyme cascade in which sequential activation of rhodopsin, transducin, and the cGMP phosphodiesterase in the rod outer segment constitutes the signal amplification mechanism [20].

Associations of Rod Outer Segments with chemical compounds

  • Cyclic GMP can increase rod outer-segment light-sensitive current 10-fold without delay of excitation [21].
  • We show here that the guanylate cyclase activity of unilluminated bovine rod outer segments increases markedly (5 to 20-fold) when the calcium level is lowered from 200 nM to 50 nM [22].
  • 11-Cis vitamin A in dark-adapted rod outer segments is a probable source of prosthetic groups for rhodopsin biosynthesis [23].
  • To test this idea electrophysiologically, we have injected purified GTP-binding protein that was binding a hydrolysis-resistant analogue of GTP, guanylyl imidodiphosphate (p(NH)ppG), termed Gp(NH)ppG, as well as partially purified PDE, into toad rod outer segments while recording membrane voltage [24].
  • The 48K protein, a soluble protein found in rod outer segments, is purified through its specific binding to photoexcited rhodopsin and is involved in the quenching of light-induced guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate-phosphodiesterase activity [25].

Gene context of Rod Outer Segments


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Rod Outer Segments


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