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Gene Review

PTK2B  -  protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CADTK, CAK-beta, CAKB, Calcium-dependent tyrosine kinase, Calcium-regulated non-receptor proline-rich tyrosine kinase, ...
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Disease relevance of PTK2B


Psychiatry related information on PTK2B


High impact information on PTK2B


Chemical compound and disease context of PTK2B


Biological context of PTK2B


Anatomical context of PTK2B


Associations of PTK2B with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of PTK2B

  • FIP200 bound to the kinase domain of Pyk2 and inhibited its kinase activity in in vitro kinase assays [29].
  • RAFTK coimmunoprecipitated with the cytoskeletal protein paxillin through its C-terminal proline-rich domain in TrHBMEC [25].
  • The present studies demonstrate that RAFTK binds constitutively to the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHPTP1 [30].
  • SHP2 interacts with RAFTK through a region other than its Src homology 2 domains [31].
  • Within the FGFR family, Pyk2 also interacted significantly with FGFR2 [3].

Enzymatic interactions of PTK2B


Regulatory relationships of PTK2B


Other interactions of PTK2B


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PTK2B


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