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Chemical Compound Review

MINDHVHHQZYEEK-OYXVVHJOSA-N     9-[4-[(2S,3S,4R,5S)-3,4- dihydroxy-5-[[(2S...

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Disease relevance of Bactroban


Psychiatry related information on Bactroban

  • A new cream formulation of mupirocin developed to improve patient compliance was compared with systemic and topical antibiotics commonly used to treat primary and secondary skin infections [6].

High impact information on Bactroban


Chemical compound and disease context of Bactroban


Biological context of Bactroban

  • Gene knockout experiments demonstrated the importance of regions in mupirocin production, and complementation of the disrupted gene confirmed that the phenotypes were not due to polar effects [15].
  • Characterization of the mupirocin biosynthesis gene cluster from Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIMB 10586 [15].
  • By in-frame deletion analysis of selected tailoring open-reading frames we show that mupQ, mupS, mupT, and mupW are essential for mupirocin production, whereas mupO, mupU, mupV, and macpE are essential for production of PA-A but not PA-B [16].
  • An attempt to eradicate the resident's nasal carriage of MRSA in January 1986 failed; eradication of his carrier state was achieved only after treatment with mupirocin [17].
  • Mupirocin-resistant mutants of S. aureus 8325-4 were therefore generated to examine their ileS genotypes and the in vitro and in vivo fitness costs associated with them before and after compensatory evolution [18].

Anatomical context of Bactroban

  • These observations suggest that long-term use of low but bactericidal concentrations of mupirocin will not impair growth of fibroblasts in healing wounds [19].
  • Twenty noncarriers, 26 intermittent carriers, and 16 persistent carriers had nasal, throat, and perineum samples taken 1 day before and 5 weeks after mupirocin treatment (twice daily for 5 days) and assessed for growth of S. aureus [20].
  • We measured the delivery of mupirocin to the pharynx in three normal volunteers and two patients [21].
  • In P. aeruginosa, subinhibitory concentrations of mupirocin inhibited flagella formation, which was associated with reduced flagellin expression [22].
  • These results indicate that topical nasal treatment with mupirocin is effective to prevent carriage of bacteria into the trachea [23].

Associations of Bactroban with other chemical compounds

  • The emergence of mupirocin resistance in S. aureus highlights the need for a new topical antibiotic with the ability to inhibit high-level mupirocin-resistant strains and other emerging phenotypes, such as vancomycin-resistant and community-acquired methicillin-resistant isolates [24].
  • No MRSA isolate showed chlorhexidine resistance or high-level mupirocin resistance; however, we observed an association (P = 0.003) between low-level mupirocin resistance at study entry (prevalence, 23%) and subsequent treatment failure in both study arms [25].
  • Pseudomonic acid A (mupirocin) blocks protein synthesis in bacteria by inhibition of bacterial isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase [26].
  • Kinetic analysis of crude isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase from trained and untrained B. subtilis strains revealed differences in apparent Ki for mupirocin (resistant strain SB23T, Ki = 71.1 nM; sensitive strain SB23, Ki = 33.5 nM), while the Km for isoleucine remained unchanged (2.7 to 2.9 microM) [26].
  • When the individual circumstances of a medical facility justify eradication of MRSA colonization, a multidisciplinary approach that includes antibiotic therapy with oral minocycline and rifampin, along with topical mupirocin for those with nasal carriage, may be successful [27].

Gene context of Bactroban


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Bactroban

  • Randomized, controlled trial of topical exit-site application of honey (Medihoney) versus mupirocin for the prevention of catheter-associated infections in hemodialysis patients [5].
  • Median duration of catheter use was greater in the mupirocin than in the control group (37 versus 20 d, P < 0.01) [9].
  • Long-term efficacy of intranasal mupirocin ointment. A prospective cohort study of Staphylococcus aureus carriage [32].
  • The effectiveness and safety of mupirocin calcium ointment applied to the anterior part of the nares for 5 days in the eradication of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus was investigated in a placebo-controlled, double-blind study [33].
  • PCR amplification of genomic DNA from each mupirocin-resistant strain resulted in a 1.65-kb fragment, the predicted product from the intragenic mupA primers [34].


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