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Chemical Compound Review

Azlaire     N-[4-oxo-2-(2H-tetrazol-5- yl)chromen-7-yl]...

Synonyms: SureCN3694, ONO-RS 411, CID4887, AC1L3GIT, LS-27327, ...
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Disease relevance of ONO-RS 411


High impact information on ONO-RS 411


Chemical compound and disease context of ONO-RS 411


Biological context of ONO-RS 411

  • Provocation of bronchoconstriction was completely inhibited in subjects whose plasma ONO-1078 levels were more than 0.5 microgram/ml [15].
  • We conclude that (1) ONO-1078 attenuates LPS-induced acute lung injury; and (2) this effect appears mainly a result of its potent antagonistic actions against peptide leukotrienes and also, in part, the suppression of neutrophil chemotaxis [2].
  • Mean morning home PEFR increased by 10.8 to 18.61/min (95% CI 0.2 to 29.3 l/min) in patients treated with pranlukast compared with a slight deterioration in those given placebo [16].
  • We conclude that LTC(4) S genotype is predictive of the clinical response to a cysLT(1) antagonist, pranlukast, in Japanese patients with moderate asthma [17].
  • We examined the interaction between the clinical response to a cysLT(1) antagonist, pranlukast, and DNA sequence variant A(-444)C in leukotriene C(4) synthase (LTC(4) S) gene in Japanese patients with moderate asthma [17].

Anatomical context of ONO-RS 411

  • In the placebo group concentrations of serum eosinophil cationic protein and exhaled nitric oxide increased (p = 0.007 and p = 0.025, respectively), compared with no change in the ONO-1078 group [18].
  • Effect of the leukotriene receptor antagonist pranlukast on cellular infiltration in the bronchial mucosa of patients with asthma [19].
  • As pranlukast pretreatment did not affect plasma extravasation induced by mast cell degranulation, and depletion of platelets did not influence the pranlukast-inhibitable plasma extravasation induced by rhC5a injection, cys-LTs are most likely produced by transcellular biosynthesis involving PMNs and vascular wall cells [20].
  • ONO-1078 antagonizes diarrhea-causing changes in ion transport and smooth muscle contraction induced by peptidoleukotrienes in rat and human colon in vitro [21].
  • To do this we tested the effects of the selective and potent LTD(4) antagonist pranlukast on airway responses to ovalbumin (OVA) challenge of naive recipients of CD4(+) T cells isolated from the cervical lymph nodes of OVA-sensitized donor rats [22].

Associations of ONO-RS 411 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of ONO-RS 411


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ONO-RS 411

  • METHODS: Ten atopic, nonsmoking patients with mild asthma and previously demonstrated early- and late-phase allergen-induced asthmatic responses participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study, comparing treatment with either 450 mg pranlukast given twice daily or placebo for 5.5 days [28].
  • In clinical trials, pranlukast was well tolerated in adult and paediatric patients with asthma, with an adverse event profile similar to that of placebo [29].
  • Using fibreoptic bronchoscopy, bronchial biopsy specimens were obtained before and after treatment with either pranlukast (n = 10) or placebo (n = 7) [19].
  • Pranlukast attenuated neurological deficits, reduced infarct volume and ameliorated neuron loss in the ischemic core 24 h after reperfusion; it reduced infarct volume, ameliorated neuron loss and inhibited astrocyte proliferation in the boundary zone 14 days after reperfusion [30].
  • Flow cytometry demonstrated that pranlukast and MK-571 inhibit NF-kappa B activation in 1.3% DMSO-differentiated U-937 and Jurkat cells in a dose-related manner [31].


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