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Chemical Compound Review

TEGP     2-[(2-ethoxy-3- hexadecylsulfanyl-propoxy)...

Synonyms: CHEMBL286705, AG-K-42534, ACMC-20asym, AC1L2JPP, CTK4A1940, ...
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Disease relevance of 2-[(2-ethoxy-3-hexadecylthio-propoxy)-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium


High impact information on 2-[(2-ethoxy-3-hexadecylthio-propoxy)-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium

  • These results support prior studies emphasizing the role of peroxisomes and the acyl DHAP pathway in cellular ether lipid synthesis, establish Zellweger syndrome cells as valuable for elucidating peroxisomal functions, and provide prenatal and postnatal diagnostic assays as well as potential therapeutic strategies for Zellweger syndrome [6].
  • We also observed that mouse cells lacking PEX11beta display reduced peroxisome abundance, even in the absence of peroxisomal metabolic substrates, and that PEX11beta(-/-) mice are partially deficient in two distinct peroxisomal metabolic pathways, ether lipid synthesis and very long chain fatty acid oxidation [7].
  • This ether lipid is increased approximately 35-fold over parental cells in the most highly PEG-resistant cell line [8].
  • The synthesis and assembly of thylakoid membrane polar glycerolipid (glycolipid, phospholipid, and ether lipid) have been monitored in synchronous cultures of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 137+ [9].
  • Here, a point charge probe method was used to investigate the dipole potentials of both ester and ether lipid membranes [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of 2-[(2-ethoxy-3-hexadecylthio-propoxy)-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium


Biological context of 2-[(2-ethoxy-3-hexadecylthio-propoxy)-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium

  • The block by ether lipid analogues of inositol phosphate-mediated [Ca2+]i signaling suggests a mechanism for preventing the action of growth factors that could contribute to the inhibition of cell proliferation by the agents [16].
  • Another ether lipid, the thio compound 1-O-hexadecylmercapto-2-methoxymethyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine , enhanced peroxidation in the presence of cofactors with kinetics corresponding to those of cytotoxicity [17].
  • The cyclic ether lipid analogue (+/-)-2-(hydroxy[tetrahydro-2-(octadecyloxy)methylfuran-2- yl]methoxyl)phosphinyloxy,N,N,N-trimethyethaniminium hydroxide inhibited with an IC50 of 42 microM and hexadexylphosphocholine with an IC50 of 48 microM [18].
  • Pharmacologic inhibition of Akt, with PIA6, a phosphatidylinositol ether lipid analogue (PIA), blocks BDNF-induced phosphorylation of Akt and the downstream target of Akt [19].
  • To assess the role of protein kinase C (Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent enzyme) in the activation of the human neutrophil respiratory burst, we have utilized an ether lipid of the type 1-O-alkyl-2-O-methylglycerol (AMG), recently shown to be an inhibitor of this kinase [20].

Anatomical context of 2-[(2-ethoxy-3-hexadecylthio-propoxy)-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium


Associations of 2-[(2-ethoxy-3-hexadecylthio-propoxy)-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium with other chemical compounds


Gene context of 2-[(2-ethoxy-3-hexadecylthio-propoxy)-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium

  • These results establish that modulation of the ether lipid composition of membranes can alter PKC isozyme translocation and indicate that a PKC isozyme other than PKC alpha, most likely PKC epsilon, is involved in MAPK activation [28].
  • In contrast, the insulin-dependent induction of these two genes, as well as the activation of PKB, were shown to be suppressed in hepatocytes treated with the lipid ether compound PIA6 (phosphatidylinositol ether lipid analogue 6), a recently discovered specific inhibitor of PKB [29].
  • Also like the ether lipid, auranofin only partially blocked the synergy exhibited by TPA and TNF-alpha [30].
  • Intracellular triggering of Fas, independently of FasL, as a new mechanism of antitumor ether lipid-induced apoptosis [31].
  • Alkylphospholipids, such as the antitumor ether lipid 1-O-octadecyl-2-O-methylglycero-3-phosphocholine, modulate cancer cell invasion through changes in the adherens junction E-cadherin complex, a major organizer of epithelia [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of 2-[(2-ethoxy-3-hexadecylthio-propoxy)-hydroxy-phosphoryl]oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium


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