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Gene Review

Cckbr  -  cholecystokinin B receptor

Mus musculus

Synonyms: CCK-B receptor, CCK-B/gastrin receptor, CCK-BR, CCK2-R, CCK2/gastrin, ...
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Disease relevance of Cckbr


Psychiatry related information on Cckbr

  • Moreover, the locomotor activity of heterozygous (+/-) and homozygous (-/-) CCK2R receptor-deficient mice was somewhat reduced [6].
  • These results indicate that blocking of CCKB receptors could result in an increase of extracellular dopamine contents in some brain areas involved in depression and suggest a potential use of CCKB receptor antagonists, alone or combined with antidepressants, in the treatment of depressive syndromes [7].
  • We investigated the role of the CCK2 receptor in anxiety by evaluating the behavior of mice lacking the gene for this receptor in these standard anxiety models (i.e., exploratory behavior in a black and white test box and exploratory behavior in an elevated plus-maze) [8].

High impact information on Cckbr

  • Peptides encoded by the gastrin gene are an important part of this system because targeted deletion of the gene, or of the gastrin-CCKB receptor gene, leads to decreased numbers of parietal cells and decreased gastric acid secretion [9].
  • Addition of the CCK-2R inhibitor significantly decreased gene and shedding up-regulation [10].
  • In a pancreatic tumor cell line expressing the endogenous CCK2R, we demonstrated the activation of the JAK2/STAT3 pathway by this receptor and the involvement of this signaling pathway in the proliferative effects of the CCK2R [11].
  • Cholecystokinin-2 receptor modulates cell adhesion through beta1-integrin in human pancreatic cancer cells [12].
  • Several lines of evidence suggest that gastrin and the CCK-2 receptor (CCK2R) could contribute to pancreatic carcinogenesis by modulating processes such as proliferation, cell adhesion or migration [12].

Biological context of Cckbr


Anatomical context of Cckbr


Associations of Cckbr with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Cckbr

  • The G-protein-coupled CCK2 receptor associates with phospholipase Cgamma1 [19].
  • Collectively, these data suggest that CCK interacts at the CCKB receptor to inhibit tonically the release and/or availability of an endogenous substance acting at opioid delta receptors [22].

Regulatory relationships of Cckbr


Other interactions of Cckbr


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cckbr


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