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Gene Review

Cckbr  -  cholecystokinin B receptor

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: CCK-B receptor, CCK-BR, CCK2-R, Cck2r, Cholecystokinin-2 receptor, ...
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Disease relevance of Cckbr


Psychiatry related information on Cckbr


High impact information on Cckbr


Biological context of Cckbr


Anatomical context of Cckbr


Associations of Cckbr with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Cckbr

  • The mutated receptor displayed similar expression levels and high affinity CCK binding compared with the wild type CCKBR [26].

Regulatory relationships of Cckbr

  • The results suggest that CCK antagonism of opioid-induced disruption of maternal behavior occurs due to the action of CCK on both CCK1 and CCK2 receptor subtypes [6].
  • We examined whether the CCK-A and CCK-B receptor genes are expressed in the islets and the role of CCK-A receptor in insulin secretion [27].
  • The results showed a good correlation between the binding of gastrin to CCKB receptor [Kd 1.125 +/- 0.3 (SD) nM] and its ability to either induce ornithine decarboxylase activity [50% effective concentration, 0.6 +/- 0.3 nM] and [3H]-thymidine incorporation [50% effective concentration, 2 +/- 0.4 nM] [28].
  • Blockade of gastrin/CCKB receptors partially inhibits intragastric meal-stimulated acid secretion indicating that the gastrin/CCKB receptor has a physiological role as mediator of food-stimulated acid secretory response in conscious rats [29].

Other interactions of Cckbr


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cckbr

  • METHODS: CCK-AR and CCK-BR mRNA expression and cellular distribution in the rat lung were detected by highly sensitive method of in situ reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and conventional in situ hybridization [22].
  • Southern blot analysis of RT-PCR amplified CCK-AR and CCK-BR mRNA products using [gamma-32P]ATP 5'-end-labelled probe showed specific hybridization bands [33].
  • 2. Intravenous injection of CAM-1481 (1 mg kg-1), a dipeptoid antagonist of CCKA receptors, or CAM-1028, a dipeptoid CCKB receptor antagonist (1 mg kg-1), had no effect on basal gastric mucosal blood flow as determined by the clearance of hydrogen in urethane-anaesthetized rats [34].
  • Hypophysectomy 5 days prior to sacrifice, resulting in a nerve lesion in the neurohypophysial pathway and removal of the anterior pituitary hormones, induced a significant increase in CCKB receptor mRNA levels in neurons of the PVN [35].
  • The response was not decreased by atropine, hexamethonium, vagotomy, a mixture of adrenoceptor antagonists (prazosin + idazoxan + propranolol), or by the CCKB receptor antagonist L365,260 [36].


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