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Gene Review

CCKBR  -  cholecystokinin B receptor

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CCK-B, CCK-B receptor, CCK-BR, CCK2-R, CCK2R, ...
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Disease relevance of CCKBR


Psychiatry related information on CCKBR


High impact information on CCKBR

  • The canine and human CCK-B/gastrin receptors share 90% amino-acid identity and have similar agonist affinities [10].
  • The development of potent and selective antagonists for CCK-A (MK-329) and CCK-B (L-365,260) receptors now allows these issues to be addressed [11].
  • These results suggest that endogenous CCK causes satiety by an agonist action on CCK-B receptors in the brain [11].
  • The CCK-A antagonist MK-329 and the CCK-B antagonist L-365,260 increased food intake in partially satiated rats and postponed the onset of satiety; however, L-365,260 was 100 times more potent than MK-329 in increasing feeding and preventing satiety [11].
  • Expression of CCK-B receptors was detected in all tissues arising from pancreas and in most extrapancreatic tissues and tumors [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of CCKBR


Biological context of CCKBR


Anatomical context of CCKBR


Associations of CCKBR with chemical compounds

  • Both CCK-8 and gastrin I markedly augmented phosphoinositide hydrolysis and cytosolic free calcium levels in the CHO transfectants, indicating that the cloned CCK-B receptor could functionally couple with intracellular signaling molecules [26].
  • Substitution of Phe347 in TM-VI with alanine produced a mutant receptor that displays the same affinity and selectivity as the wild-type receptor for agonists, but a slightly increased affinity for the selective CCKB antagonist L-365,260 [27].
  • Ser82 was further changed into Asp, Thr, or Ala to determine the specificity of this position in Gs coupling by the CCK-BR [28].
  • Selective CCK-A but not CCK-B receptor antagonists inhibit HT-29 cell proliferation: synergism with pharmacological levels of melatonin [13].
  • Intravenous injection of the cholecystokinin (CCK)-B receptor agonist, pentagastrin, produces robust, dose-dependent release of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and cortisol, supporting the hypothesis that CCK-B agonists pharmacologically activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis [29].

Physical interactions of CCKBR

  • Using the NOE-generated intermolecular contact points, extensive MD simulations of CCK-8 bound to the CCK2 receptor were carried out [30].
  • Our study has identified the presence of CCKB/gastrin receptor isoforms in different cellular locations and may help toward understanding the complex autocrine and intracrine pathways mediated by gastrin peptides [31].
  • Using surface plasmon resonance analysis, we identified a highly conserved ITIM motif, containing the tyrosine residue 438, located in the C-terminal intracellular tail of the CCK2R which directly interacts with the SHP-2 SH2 domains [32].
  • Taken together, these results suggest that the CCK2 receptor is coupled to two G proteins and that Phe347 and the cluster of basic residues K333/K334/R335 probably play a key role in Gq protein stimulation leading to inositol phosphate production but not in activation of the G protein coupled to phospholipase A2 [33].

Co-localisations of CCKBR


Regulatory relationships of CCKBR


Other interactions of CCKBR


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CCKBR


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